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词汇 谷仓
例句 They plan to construct a barn behind the house.他们计划在房后建一座谷仓As they drove further down the road, two old barns sprang into view.当他们沿着路继续向南行驶时,两个破旧的谷仓突然跃入眼帘。They'd bought a huge barn with some land and planned to turn it into a palace.他们买了一个带有一片土地的大谷仓,计划将其改建为一座豪宅。We bunked in an old barn.我们将就著睡在旧谷仓里。They had cats, dogs, and a horse. This last was kept in an old barn.他们养猫、狗和马。马被圈在一个旧谷仓里。The house looks like a barn.这房子看起来像谷仓The barn will store five tons of grain.这个谷仓能放五吨粮食。The old barn had been converted to a house.谷仓被改建成了一套住房。On the horizon we saw the distinct shape of a barn and silo.在地平线上,我们看到谷仓和青贮塔的清晰轮廓。They danced rather clumsily, like rustics dancing in a barn.他们的舞跳得相当笨拙,像乡巴佬在谷仓里跳舞。Two farm workers died when a barn caught fire yesterday.昨天一座谷仓着火时烧死了两名农场工人。Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。Mr Nunn has kindly agreed to let us use his barn for the dance.纳恩先生友好地同意我们用他的谷仓举行舞会。He patched the barn roof.他修补了谷仓的顶部。He and Walker patched the barn roof.他和沃克补好了谷仓顶。The wind roared through the open barn.大风呼呼吹进露天谷仓They ferreted the rats from under the barn.他们把藏在谷仓底下的老鼠赶了出来。Birds have taken up residence in the barn.鸟把巢安在了谷仓里。The bull was confined in a pen behind the barn.那头公牛被圈在谷仓后面的围栏里。I slept on the hay in the farmer's barn.我睡在农家谷仓内的干草上。They watched the flames sweep through the old wooden barn.他们眼睁睁看着大火吞噬了破旧的木谷仓The sheep were penned in behind the barn.羊群被圈在谷仓后面。The barn went up in smoke.谷仓被付之一炬。The barn was heaped with grain.谷仓里堆满了粮食。The roof of the old barn collapsed.那座旧谷仓的屋顶坍塌了。We took refuge in a nearby barn during the storm. = We found refuge from the storm in a nearby barn.风暴来袭时,我们在附近一个谷仓里躲避。He converted his barns into cottages for weekenders.他把他的谷仓改造成了供周末旅行者居住的小屋。The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos.消防员展开水龙带,开始冲着烧焦的谷仓喷水。The old barn is used for garaging the vehicles.这个旧谷仓被用来停放车辆。The barn is the focal point of the farm buildings.谷仓是农场建筑的中心。Poison will get rid of the rats in the barn.毒药将把谷仓中的老鼠毒死。The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。The farm has a farmhouse with stables, a barn and a piggery.这家农场有一座农舍、几个马厩、一个谷仓和一个猪舍。Critics have likened the new city hall building to a barn.批评家把新建的市政厅比作谷仓The escaped prisoners lay up in a barn for a few weeks, until the search had been called off.越狱犯在一个谷仓里躲藏了数周,直到对他们的搜索取消為止。There's an old tractor out back of the barn.谷仓后面有一辆旧拖拉机。The constables made a desultory attempt to keep them away from the barn.警察漫不经心地拦着不让他们靠近谷仓The barn was full of rusting old farm machinery.谷仓里全是些锈迹斑斑的旧农耕机械。His father took him into the barn and gave him a good beating.他父亲把他带到谷仓里痛打了一顿。The barn and other outbuildings were sold together with the main house.谷仓等其他附属建筑物也随主屋一起出售了。




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