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There were puzzles and games to keep the children amused.有谜语和其他游戏让小孩子玩得很开心。Nobody but nobody could solve the riddle.根本没人能猜出这个谜语。That's a good riddle. Did you make it up yourself?那是个不错的谜语。是你自己想出来的吗?Children love jokes and riddles that are heavily formulaic.小孩子喜欢一些充满套语的笑话和谜语。It took us a while to guess the answer to the riddle.我们没花多长时间就猜中了谜语的答案。Stop using such riddling language.别再用这种谜语式的语言了。There's often a double meaning in jokes and riddles.笑话和谜语经常一语双关。 |