例句 |
It's just a saying.这只是句谚语。Surely, as the adage goes, prevention is better than cure.当然,正如谚语所说,防病胜于治病。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with over-use.谚语和习语可能会因为过度使用而成为陈词滥调。He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour.他引用了一个中国谚语,大意是不应对邻居心存恶念之类的。Prevention is proverbially better than cure.如谚语所说,预防胜于治疗。He was given to enunciating proverbs.他老爱给人家讲解谚语。A proverb is a simple and homely way of expressing a general truth.谚语是表达一般真理的简单浅显的方式。It is impossible to translate all proverbs literally.谚语不可能都逐字直译。There is a proverb that deeds speak louder than words.有句谚语说,行动胜于言辞。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse.谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。 |