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词汇 谋得
例句 The majority obtained their positions through the old boy network.大多数人都是通过校友关系谋得其职位的。He's not a great actor but he gets roles anyway because of all the moviegoers interested in beefcake.他不是大牌影星,但因为影迷喜欢健美的男子,所以他总能谋得个演出的角色。She is the first woman to reach such exalted heights in the judiciary.她是第一位在司法界谋得如此高位的女性。I was offered a place at Harvard University.我在哈佛大学谋得一职。He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company.他始终未能如愿以偿地在公司董事会中谋得一席之地。He put me in the way of a job.他帮我谋得一份工作。He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.他刚刚在银行业谋得了一份高薪工作。He jobbed his son into the position.他用舞弊手段为儿子谋得这个职位。He succeeded in getting the job.谋得了那份工作。When I finish classes, I'm hoping to land a summer job as a chef's apprentice.我上完这些培训班之后,希望能谋得一份给厨师当学徒的暑期工。He carved himself a nice position in the business.他在企业中努力谋得一个很好的地位。Possessed of such qualities, how do you bring them to the fore and snare the job?既然具备了这些优秀素质,你该怎样把它们充分展示出来并谋得这份工作呢?He landed a job in a large American corporation.他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。He fiddled his way into a position of trust.他用诡计谋得了要职。He has cut out a place for himself in the world of politics.他在政界已谋得一席地位。He obtained a settlement after signing a release.他在一份弃权文书上签字以后谋得了诉讼了结。He used his party connections to get a government job.他利用他的党派关系网在政府部门谋得一份工作。He jockeyed himself into office.他施展手腕谋得了官职。She's carved out quite a niche for herself in fashion design.她已经为自己在时装设计方面谋得了一个称心的工作。His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barber's.他出色的美发手艺很快就让他在当地的发廊谋得了一份兼职。A good education will equip your children to get a good job.良好的教育能使你的孩子谋得一份好职业。He obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force.他在皇家空军谋得一个官职。He landed a job with a law firm.他在律师事务所谋得了一份工作。




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