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词汇 谈谈
例句 Jamie wants to speak to me in private.杰米想和我私下谈谈She was dying to talk to Frank.她很想同弗兰克谈谈Here's how the process works in Finland.下面谈谈该程序是如何在芬兰运行的。You should talk to Karen since she's the one responsible for authorizing payments.你应该找卡伦谈谈,因为她是负责批准付款事宜的。I love my job. I could tell you a thing or two.我热爱我的工作。我可以向你谈谈我的经验。Let's get to the heart of the problem.让我们来谈谈问题的核心吧。Mrs Hoffmann, I'm calling about Mike's classwork. There are some problems.霍夫曼太太,我打电话来想谈谈迈克的课堂作业,有点问题。I hope to have a discussion with them about the matter soon.我希望能很快和他们谈谈那件事。I thought I'd, you know, have a chat with you.我想我应该,呃,和你谈谈We were trying to have a conversation, but she kept cutting in.我们想谈谈话,但她不停地插嘴。We need to have a long talk.我们得好好谈谈I guess now's as good a time as any to tell Dad about the car.我想现在是和爸爸谈谈汽车的合适时机。We need to talk further about this.我们需要就这一点进一步谈谈Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship.用友好随意的方式跟他谈谈这一关系吧。The lawyer murmured discreetly that he would like to speak to her alone.律师小心地低声说想单独和她谈谈I'm sure if you talk to your boss, he'll understand.我相信如果你和老板谈谈,他会理解的。I have to see my teacher about my grades.我得去见老师谈谈我的成绩。I tried to talk to her after the party, but she was as high as a kite.我想在聚会之后跟她谈谈,但她喝酒喝得神情恍惚了。I could try talking to him, but what good would that do/be? He has already made up his mind.我可以设法和他谈谈,但那会有什么用呢?他已经拿定主意了。She was delighted to have an opportunity to talk with someone who shared her interest in classical music.她很高兴有机会与在古典音乐方面同她趣味相投的人谈谈I'd like to speak with you, Counselor.律师先生,我想和您谈谈First, tell me what you think of my products.谈谈你觉得我的产品怎么样吧。Before we do that, I'd like to digress for a minute and say a word or two about the new books.在我们那样做之前,我想说一两句题外话,谈谈这些新书。I tried to persuade his ex-girlfriend to talk to him, but she said no.我试图说服他的前女友和他谈谈,可她不肯。Discuss your worries with your partner.和伴侣谈谈你的忧虑。I need to talk to the person who actually made the application.我需要跟真正提出申请的人谈谈Finally, I'd like to go back to the point I made at the beginning of the lecture.最后,我想继续谈谈讲座开始时我提出的那个观点。It's time to talk turkey about the problems in our relationship.是该坦率地谈谈我们的关系中存在的问题了。We should have a meeting to kick around some ideas about possible new products.我们应该开个会,谈谈有关未来新产品的想法。So you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time?那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试?They all greeted me very cordially and were eager to talk about the new project.他们全都热情地和我打招呼,并急切地想要谈谈新计划。You could try Monica – she knows a lot about gardening.你可以找莫妮卡谈谈,她在园艺方面懂得可多了。I'll have a word with him and see if he'll help.我要和他谈谈,看他是否愿意帮忙。I'd like to talk to you about your late husband.我想和你谈谈有关你已故丈夫的事。Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look.好了,听我说,各位。我们需要简单谈谈大家的形象问题。Let's get on to more important matters.咱们谈谈更重要的事吧。I take occasion to tell him about my work.我乘机对他谈谈我的工作。Now, simmer down and let's talk this over quietly.且别激动,咱们心平气和地来好好谈谈这件事情。There's a lady here who wants to speak to you about her account.这里有位女士想跟你谈谈她的账户。She asked the doctor to speak to her parents on her behalf.她请医生代她同她父母谈谈




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