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词汇 调皮
例句 His eyes were bright blue with a roguish twinkle in them.他明亮的蓝眼睛里闪烁着调皮的光芒。The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。I remember an old man playing a barrel organ in the street with a perky monkey sitting on his shoulders.我记得有个老头在街头演奏手摇风琴,肩上坐着一只调皮的猴子。Most of the kids are nice, but some are jerks.大多数孩子都很乖,但也有些很调皮Martin gave her a cheeky grin.马丁冲着她调皮地笑了笑。You ought to be stricter with him. He's very naughty.你该对他更严格一些。他很调皮She was much naughtier than her compliant brother.她哥哥很听话,她却调皮得多。He grinned cheekily and left the room.调皮地咧嘴一笑,然后离开了房间。He's really naughty, but he's so cute.他非常调皮,但很可爱。His naughty daughter stole up on him and hemmed.他那调皮的女儿偷偷走近他,然后轻咳一声。Were you naughty today at school or did you obey the teacher?你今天在学校调皮了吗?有没有听老师的话?She looked at me rather archly.她有些调皮地看着我。Kennedy mischievously suggested that professors ought to trade jobs for a time with janitors…肯尼迪调皮地建议教授和看门人互换一段时间工作。She playfully punched him on the arm.调皮地用拳头打他的胳膊。We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel.我们能听到小狗在窝里调皮地叫着。The book gives advice to parents whose children act up.这本书给那些孩子很调皮的父母提供了建议。She would look at him behind her mother's back and see him mischievously winking.她会躲在妈妈身后看他调皮地使眼色。You've been a very naughty boy!你真是个调皮的男孩!There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes.她的眼里闪烁着调皮的神情。She smiled mischievously.调皮地微微一笑。Joel gave her a wicked grin.乔尔对她调皮地咧嘴一笑。Blanche's grey eyes gazed at Foker with an arch twinkle.布兰茜那对灰色眼睛滴溜溜的,露出调皮的闪光,瞧着福克。There was about him an air of mischief.他的神情有点调皮Teachers tend to have stereotyped opinions about naughty pupils.教师往往对调皮学生抱有成见。She nibbled my ear lobe playfully.调皮地轻咬我的耳垂。The dog was being disobedient.这条狗那个时候故意调皮There is an impish expression on his face.他脸上带着调皮的神情。She winked at him pertly and smiled.调皮地向他眨眼睛微笑。Victor winked at her, and his smile was so wickedly suggestive that Francesca blushed.维克托朝她眨眨眼,他的笑容是那样调皮而带挑逗性,使弗朗西丝卡脸都红了。That precious child of hers is really a holy terror.她那个宝贝孩子真是调皮得要命。Our boss treats us all like naughty children.我们的老板把我们当成调皮的小学生来对待。She giggled and gave me an arch look.她咯咯笑着,朝我做了个调皮的表情。Mother spanked her for being naughty.妈妈因为她调皮打她屁股。She smiled naughtily.调皮地笑了笑。




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