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Afree gift will be given to whoever completes the questionnaire.免费礼品将送给填妥调查表的人。Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。Scarcely any of the private schools replied to the researcher's questionnaire.私立学校中几乎没有一家填写研究人员的调查表。A survey was given out to customers so that the company could take proactive steps to improve their service.公司给顾客发了一份调查表,以便能采取积极措施来改善服务。Use the enclosed envelope to return your completed survey.请用随信附上的信封将填好的调查表寄回。We issued a questionnaire to find out which people were most likely to buy electronic dictionaries.我们发出了调查表,以确定哪些人有可能买电子词典。 |