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词汇 诽谤
例句 My opponent has dragged my name through the mud.我的对手对我进行了公开诽谤I'm sinking in the mud of slander and nobody will throw me a rope.我快要在诽谤的泥淖中陷落,而无人肯援手救我。Claudia was shocked that anyone should believe such a scandalous story.让克劳迪娅震惊的是,竟有人相信这样的诽谤He has been defaming us for years but luckily few believe his lies.多年来他一直在诽谤我们,但幸好很少有人相信他的谎话。The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation.对他进行过诽谤的报纸已经提出赔偿。She was spreading scandalous rumors about him.她正四处散布诽谤他的谣言。Mr Jameson dismissed the allegations as malicious rumours.詹姆森先生把那些指控当作恶意的诽谤,置之不理。She sued the paper for defamation of character.她控告该报诽谤人格。His evidence was a blend of smears, half truths and downright lies.他的证词里掺杂着诽谤、歪曲的事实和彻头彻尾的谎言。There will be no mudslinging, they promise.他们许诺不会再有诽谤了。She could file a slander suit against him for making that statement.她完全可以因他那句话起诉他诽谤He has been questioned on suspicion of slandering the Prime Minister.他由于涉嫌诽谤首相而受到了盘问。You are assisting in spreading falsehoods, in uttering libels.你在帮助散布谎言谬误,发表诽谤言论。His accusations were verging on slander.他的指责近乎诽谤I am sick of the media slurring him.我厌倦了媒体对他的诽谤The third exception allows employees to seek damages for outrageous acts related to termination, including character defamation.第三条例外条款规定,如果雇用方在解聘员工时做出人格诽谤等无礼行为,员工可以寻求赔偿。She threatened to sue the magazine for libel.她威胁说要起诉该杂志诽谤She often flung mud at her colleagues.她经常诽谤她的同事。We've heard countless unsupported slanders about her.我们听过无数对她无中生有的诽谤Your accusation of bribe-taking is a slur which I shall never forgive.诽谤我收受贿赂,我永远也不会原谅你。He has issued a writ for libel against the radio star Michael Clery.他发布了不许诽谤广播明星迈克尔・克利里的令状。He was the victim of calumny.他是诽谤的受害者。His former associates have been sniping at him in the press.他从前的合伙人在报上诽谤他。Speak not injurious words.不要说诽谤他人的话。He sued the newspaper for libel.他控告这家报社进行诽谤The prime minister has dismissed the allegations as smears and innuendo.首相把那些指控斥为肆意诽谤和影射。Don't cast your nasturtiums on my character.别对我的人格进行诽谤The libel claim followed an article which insinuated that the President was lying.一篇文章因影射总统说谎而遭到诽谤索赔。All too often politicians discredit themselves by engaging in character assassination.政客们往往在诽谤他人之时破坏了自己的名声。None of those rumors are true. She's been the victim of character assassination.那些谣言都不是真的。她受到了诽谤He slandered me under the cloak of friendship.他在友谊的幌子下对我进行诽谤This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police.这是对伦敦市警察局刚正廉明作风的又一次诽谤The libel claim followed an article which insinuated that the President was lying.一篇文章因含沙射影声称总统撒谎而遭到诽谤索赔。Hammond promptly sued Gray for libel.哈蒙德立刻控告格雷诽谤No matter how they slander us, we will never give in.不管他们怎样诽谤我们,我们决不让步。He was at first blasphemed and later applauded by the critics.起先他遭到批评家们的诽谤,后来又受到他们的称赞。The newspaper's attorneys argued that the article was not a libel.报社的辩护律师反驳说此篇文章并非诽谤The article is a slander on us.这篇文章是对我们的诽谤The jury found that the article libeled him.陪审团裁定那篇文章对他进行了诽谤She often threw mud at her colleagues.她经常诽谤她的同事。




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