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He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing.当我指责他说谎时,他大笑起来。He still wouldn't own up to the fact that he'd lied.他还是不肯承认自己说谎的事实。I know he's lying.我知道他在说谎。She got in trouble for telling a lie.她因为说谎而惹上了麻烦。I'd be less than honest if I told you there won't be problems.如果我告诉你不会有问题,那么我就是在说谎。The company has been telling lies for years, but local media has swallowed them whole.那家公司多年来一直在说谎,但当地的新闻界居然全盘相信了。She lied to the police to shield her friend.她向警方说谎以包庇自己的朋友。The Secretary denied lying, but said that he misspoke.秘书不承认说谎,而是说自己说错了。It follows logically that one of them is lying.由此必然得出的结论是,他们当中有一人在说谎。I looked at her face and just knew that she was lying.我看她的脸,就知道她在说谎。If you tell lies, it is you who will suffer in the end.如果你说谎,最后受苦的还是你自己。She hadn't really meant to lie, but their piercing questions had forced her to.她本不想说谎,但他们尖锐的问题使她不得不这样做。It is patently obvious that she is lying.她在说谎,这再清楚不过了。I now have incontrovertible evidence of her mendacity.我现在已经掌握了确凿证据,可以证明她说谎。He was a liar, a spinner of deceits.他是个说谎大王,专门编造谎言骗人。It's very discouraging to find out that your own team members have been lying to you.发现你自己的小组成员对你说谎,这真令人失去信心。The baron was exposed as a liar and a cheat.这个工商业巨头说谎和欺骗的面目被揭穿了。She was charged with obstructing justice by lying to investigators.她因向侦查人员说谎而被控妨碍司法。They just got the ideas lodged in their minds that he was a liar.他们就是抱有先入之见,认为他是个说谎家伙。It's no use lying about it because I saw you do it!说谎没有用,我看到你干的!All of Los Angeles was abuzz after he was forced to admit he had lied in court.他被迫承认自己在法庭上说谎以后,整个洛杉矶都议论纷纷。I can't believe you can look me in the face and lie to me like that.我真想不到你会一脸坦诚地对我说谎。He turned on Pete and accused him of lying.他向皮特发起了攻击,指责他说谎。He had always been open with her and she always felt she would know if he lied.他对她总是坦诚相待,她也一直觉得如果他说谎,自己一定能察觉。It was despicable of you to lie to your parents.你向你的父母说谎是个可鄙的行为。His face was giving the lie to his speech.他的表情表明他在说谎。She may be stupid, but she's not a liar.她可能是笨一些,但她不会说谎。He lied to the court to shield his friend.他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。Now, Martin, you mustn't tell fibs.好了,马丁,你不可以说谎。The lawyer demonstrated that the witness was lying.律师证明证人在说谎。We know the facts so there is no use in lying.我们知道真实情况,所以说谎是没有用的。We'll nail them if they're lying.要是他们说谎,我们就揭穿他们。This document is the smoking gun that proves that he was lying.这份文件确凿无疑地证实了他在说谎。I knew straight off that she was lying.我立刻意识到她在说谎。He quickly realized that she wasn't telling the truth.他立刻意识到她在说谎。Has anyone ever paid a higher penance for telling a lie?有人为说谎而加倍补赎过吗?I can't believe you lied to me.我不敢相信你竟然对我说谎。He is being charged with obstruction of justice for lying to investigators.他因对侦查人员说谎而被控妨碍司法。Anyone with a grain of sense knows that she's lying.任何有点常识的人都知道她在说谎。A leading article in 'The Times' accused the minister of lying.《泰晤士报》的一篇社论指责那名大臣说谎。 |