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词汇 说了算
例句 His wife rules the roost in their house.他们家里他妻子说了算Personally, I don't like dark-coloured wallpaper, but you're the boss.我个人不喜欢深颜色的墙纸,但你是老板,你说了算If he tells you to do something, you do it, no questions, because he's the boss.他叫你干什么,你就干什么,不要多问,因为他说了算It is the cinema-going public who decide whether a film is a blockbuster or not.一部影片是否算热门大片,还要电影院的常客们说了算She wears the pants in that family.在那个家里她说了算She likes to have the last word in any discussion.她喜欢在任何讨论中都自己最后说了算In the end it is the conglomerates, not the trade unions, that dispose.归根结蒂,是联合大公司,而非工会,说了算I don't always have to have the last word, but that really fucked me off.我并不是什么都得我说了算,但那件事儿实在是让我恼火。You're not in a position to remove me. The boot is now on the other foot.你无权开除我。相反,现在是我说了算Chef Henri reigns supreme in the restaurant's kitchen.在这家餐馆的厨房里,一切由厨师长亨利说了算It's your decision. You're holding all the cards.决定权在你。你说了算And slowly Hearn was realizing that he meant it.渐渐的,侯恩终于明白了他的话确实是说了算的。It all comes down to who holds the purse strings.都得由掌管钱财的人说了算Okay, you win. We'll go to the movies.好吧,你说了算。我们去看电影吧。The only person who makes rules in this house is me.这座房子里就我说了算I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned.财务方面由我说了算That child of yours seems to me to rule the roast in this house.据我看,在这个家里一切都由你那个孩子说了算In sports or in politics, he who pays the piper calls the tune.无论是体育运动还是在政治活动中,都是谁花钱谁说了算She may give the impression that she wears the trousers but it's Tim who makes the final decisions.她让人觉得是她当家,但实际上是蒂姆说了算Listen squirt, I'm in charge here.听着,小屁孩,这里我说了算If I had my way, students at the school would all wear uniforms.要是我说了算,学生们在学校都要穿校服。In those days, medical people were the main determiners of which kind of special school a child should be sent to.在那个时候,孩子应该送到何种特殊学校,主要由医务人员说了算Before the union developed strength, the employers called all the shots.在工会羽翼未丰之时,一切由雇主说了算When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, Jemma had the final say.他们什么时候来粉刷后面的卧室,耶马说了算She does like to have the last word in any discussion.她确实喜欢商量什么事都最终自己说了算When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算He cannot be allowed to dictate what can and cannot be inspected.什么能检查什么不能检查不能由他说了算Phil's in charge, and what he says goes.菲尔是主管,他说了算The two oldest children argued over who was boss for the entire hour their mother was out shopping.两个年龄最大的孩子为妈妈出去购物这一个小时里谁说了算吵嘴。Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owning your own business.自己说了算是自己开公司的诱惑力之一。He'll listen to suggestions, but in the end, his word is law.他会听取别人的建议,但最终他说了算If it were up to me, I'd say yes, but I'll have to check with tptb.如果这事我说了算,我会同意的。不过我得征求领导的意见。Blake may seem bossy, but it's Lisa that really wears the trousers in that relationship.布赖恩可能看起来比较专横,但我告诉你,他们两个中真正说了算的是莉萨。It was a job in which she was able to call the shots.这是一份她可以说了算的工作。Around here, what he says goes.在这里,他说了算The doctor is being paternalistic. He's deciding what information the patient needs to know.那位医生很专断。患者需要了解什么信息全由他说了算Who would then be calling the tune in Parliament?那在国会谁说了算When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place.当他试图发号施令时,她很快让他明白说了算的不是他。He has the last say on the matter.这个问题他说了算He thinks he can tell me what to do, but I'll show him who's boss.他认为他能叫我该做什么,但我要让他看看到底是谁说了算




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