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例句 I thought he liked me, but I'd completely misread the signals.我想他喜欢我,但我完全误解了那些暗示。The cost of capital is widely misunderstood.对资本成本存在着广泛的误解There was widespread misunderstanding about the aim of the project.关于这项计划的宗旨存在普遍的误解He saw me hesitate and misread the situation.他看到我犹豫就对情况产生了误解I made a mistake about her.误解她了。Then she had second thoughts, beginning to wonder if she had misunderstood.然后她起了疑心,开始怀疑自己是否误解了。I had a massive argument with Sue, but at least it has cleared the air.我和苏大吵了一通,不过这至少消除了误解True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation.真正有远见卓识者往往受同时代人的误解Such work is not only devalued in that country, its nature is widely misunderstood.这种工作在那个国家不但被贬低,而且工作的性质也被许多人误解了。A lot of people misinterpreted what I was saying, and have called me a racist.很多人误解了我的话,称我为种族主义者。He set/put her straight about/on what happened. 他纠正了她对所发生事情的误解The misunderstanding had caused a breach between the families.误解造成了家族间的裂痕。I do hope she hasn't got the wrong end of the stick.我真的希望她没有误解Perhaps I was indirectly responsible for the misunderstanding.也许我应为这个误解承担间接责任。I think he has misunderstood the nature of the problem.我想他误解了问题的性质。The data had been presented misleadingly.这些数据的提出容易使人产生误解She took me wrong.误解了我的意思。People who think the song is about drugs have got the wrong end of the stick.认为这首歌是关于毒品的那些人完全误解了。They mistook my meaning.他们误解了我的意思。It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解He described my answer as a fib, but really it was more a case of misunderstanding the question.他说我的回答是个小小的谎言,但实际上说我误解了问题才更确切。I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.我不希望有任何误解Speak plainly and no one will misunderstand you.直截了当地说,不要让大家有什么误解The cost of capital is widely misunderstood.人们对资本成本普遍存在误解Undesirable consequences flow from these misconceptions.这些误解造成了不良的影响。Don't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said.误解我的意图,我说的完全是心里话。Don't misunderstand me; I'm only trying to help.误解我的意思,我只是想帮一点忙。They have allowed the misunderstanding to rumble on.他们听任误解继续带来麻烦。I shall speak in simple words that there may be no misunderstanding.我将用简单明白的话讲,这样就不会发生误解了。Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up.显然这一误解必须得到澄清。Employers seem to share the general misconception that young people are more efficient than older workers.雇主们似乎都有这么一种误解,以为年轻人的效率比较年长的工人要高。He may be misreading her intentions.他也许误解了她的意图。The data had been presented misleadingly.这些数据的呈现容易使人产生误解Now, don't take this remark amiss. 哎,不要误解这话的意思。Leave no scope for misunderstandings of any type.要杜绝造成任何形式的误解的可能。Everybody connected with the company got things so badly wrong.每个与公司有关的人都发生了重大误解She had misinterpreted his silence as anger.她把他的沉默误解成生气。Don't misunderstand me. She's a very nice person when you get to know her.不要误解我的意思。 你了解她后就知道她是个很好的人。You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions.你似乎存在相当大的误解She expressed herself in clear terms that no one could misunderstand.她表达得很清楚,没有人会误解




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