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词汇 该部
例句 The department intercepted the correspondence of foreign diplomats.该部门截取了外国外交官的信件。There is growing evidence of indiscipline among the troops.该部队纪律涣散现象日益严重。The Division was not privy to all the information being collected in Saigon.该部门并不知道所有在西贡收集到的情报。This project alone represents half of the department's budget.光是这一项目的经费就相当于该部门预算的一半。The same actor plays three different parts in the movie.同一演员在该部电影中饰演三个不同角色。The department bases its selection process on a series of intelligence tests.该部门以一系列的智力测验作为选拔程序的依据。Border security will fall under the authority of the department.边境安全将由该部门负责。This film has stood the test of time.该部影片经受住了时间的考验。The tribe had died out centuries before.该部落早在几百年前就已经消亡了。The U.S. Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity.美国政府将这块土地永久性划拨给该部落。The unit provides specialist medical care for premature babies.该部门为早产儿提供专家医疗护理。The ministry said it reserved the right to take whatever action necessary.该部表示保留采取任何必要行动的权利。The department has the calibre of staff to make the project work.该部门具备执行这个项目的人才。A woman was chosen to head up the department.一名女性被选中担任该部门的主管。The department makes payments to farmers for providing improvement to water quality.该部门为改善水质而付款给农民。It was the first time the film was shown on television.这是该部电影首次在电视上播放。The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。The death of a child is commonly seen by members of the tribe as divine punishment.小孩死去通常被该部落的成员认为是神的惩罚。The army slugged it out with the rebels.该部队与叛军展开激战,一决胜负。The Department issued a consultation document.该部门发布了一份咨询文件。How can the department be revived from its present moribund state?怎样使该部门从目前的停滞状态中恢复生气?Who's looking after the department while you're away?你外出时谁负责该部门?The department has introduced several new training schemes.该部门推出了几个新的培训方案。Upon receipt of a complaint, the department will investigate the problem and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.收到投诉之后,该部门会对问题进行调查,并在必要的情况下采取适当的措施。The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services.该部门负责提供家庭护理服务。The Department is inviting applications from groups within the Borough.该部门欢迎本行政区内各团体提出申请。The Department was appointed as the child's legal custodian.该部门被指定为这个孩子的法定监护人。The department submitted a proposal for lower speed limits.该部门提交了一项降低速度限制的建议。The group has been living in a remote corner of the Cambodian jungle.该部落一直居住在柬埔寨的丛林深处。The department has launched a report into the bombing.该部门就爆炸事件已发布了一份报告。The department has just mailed out 300,000 notices.该部门刚刚邮寄出三十万份通知单。The department's finances are currently being reviewed so all expense claims have been put on hold for the meantime.该部门的财务状况目前正在进行审核,所以一切报销已被暂停。To be fair, these are complicated, serious issues, and the department has only been discussing them for a short time.说句公道话,这些问题都很复杂、很严重,该部门才刚刚开始讨论。The department is responsible for the planning and execution of military operations.该部门负责制定计划并执行军事行动。The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.该部门就在离白宫一英里远的地方有一幢办公楼。The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.该部称希望避免强制性裁员。That department falls under the legislative branch.该部门隶属于立法机关。He had no trouble casting the movie.他为该部电影挑选演员没费一点力气。The department had come under criticism for poor performance.该部门因为业绩很差而遭到批评。It is highly probable that many of the Service's personnel were put off by such high-flown rhetoric.很可能该部门的许多工作人员都对这种华而不实的虚夸言辞感到反感。




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