例句 |
You cannot visit the country unless you have the proper documentation.除非你有正规的证明文件,否则你不能到这个国家游览。You'll be asked to produce documents proving where you live.你需要出示居住地证明文件。You can't make a statement like that without any supporting documentation.在没有任何证明文件的情况下,你不能那样妄作论断。Practically every new piece of documentary evidence provides additional confirmation that the charges are true.实际上,每一份新的证明文件都进一步证实这些指控属实。Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.发放贷款之前核实证明文件是标准操作程序。They used forged documents to leave the country.他们使用伪造的证明文件离开了这个国家。 |