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A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.房屋的设计应与周围建筑在一定程度上谐调。PDAs are designed to fit comfortably in a jacket pocket.个人数字助理设计得正好装进夹克的口袋中。It is a racing machine, designed purely for speed.它是一种比赛用机器,完全是为速度设计的。She designs machines that are used to bore tunnels.她设计挖隧道的机器。He's created an amazing number of new designs for the spring.他设计了数量惊人的新款春装。The lesson was originally pitched to younger students. 这一课原本是为更低一级学生设计的。The classes are tailored to suit learners' needs.课程根据学习者的需要而设计。The designers have created a new textile.设计人员创造了一种新织物。We've designed a computer that fits into an ordinary briefcase.我们已设计了一种能装进普通公文包内的电脑。The books are designed to be both entertaining and instructive.这些书设计得既富于娱乐性又有教育意义。Some plastics are designed to biodegrade when their useful life is over.有些塑料被设计为过了有效使用期就可以生物降解。The airplane was designed using the latest in aerospace technology.这架飞机的设计采用了最新的航空航天技术。Airbags are currently designed to protect average-sized adult males.安全气袋目前是为保护普通身材的成年男子而设计的。You need to have a good eye for colour and design if you are going to decorate your own house.如果要自己来装修房子,你得对色彩和设计有良好的鉴赏力。The car's service manual is designed to operate as a guide for owners.汽车的售后服务手册被设计成具有用户指南的功用。Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.吉普车是种很坚固耐用的车,专为崎岖难行的路况而设计的。The dresses that she designs are elegant and timeless.她设计的服装高贵优雅,永不过时。His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.他的设计比我所能设计出的不知要好上多少倍。Use a variety of bright bold colors to make your design visually attractive.运用各种鲜亮显眼的颜色,可以让你的设计产生视觉上的美感。The program is designed for dropouts who wish to get high school equivalency certificates.这个课程是为那些想要获得高中同等学力的辍学者而设计的。The furnace has a design that allows the flame to burn at a lower temperature.这炉子的设计可以让火苗在较低的温度下燃烧。The website won't win any design awards.这个网页是不会赢得任何设计大奖的。The interior decoration was designed by Pernassi.内部装饰由珀纳西设计。Each chapter is nicely laid out with clear diagrams.每一章都设计得很精美,图表很清晰。An engineer will address the design's practical problems.工程师会处理这些设计的实际问题。He devised a plan to simplify the complex social security system.他设计了一个方案以简化复杂的社会保障体系。These shelves have been designed very cleverly to fit into corners.这些架子设计得很巧妙,恰好能放进墙角里。Defence was all-important, and castles were designed with this end in view.防御最为重要,城堡的设计考虑到了这一目的。The architect's brief was to design an extension which would harmonize as much as possible with the existing building.这位建筑师的指示是设计扩建部分并使之与现存的建筑尽量保持和谐。We want the design to offer users a generous margin for error.我们希望这个设计能给使用者提供较大的误差余地。He bases his designs on Roman mosaics.他根据罗马的镶嵌工艺进行设计。Wren designed a magnificent chariot to convey Mary's body to Westminster Abbey.雷恩设计了一辆华丽的四轮礼车,以便把玛丽的遗体运送到威斯敏斯特教堂。It's not designed for adults.这不是为成年人设计的。This technology was designed for specialists but is now starting to move into the mainstream.这种技术原本是为专家设计的,但现在却渐渐成为主流。Collings had an idea for a device that would block out TV programs that parents didn't want their children to watch.科林斯想出了一个主意,要设计一种装置,禁止播放父母不想给孩子看的电视节目。I have designed a very simple but efficient and exact instrument for this.我为此设计了一个简单而有效的精密仪器。The design marries traditional elements with/to/and modern methods.这个设计把传统元素与现代方法紧密结合了起来。The music room had been made to reflect and deepen sounds.这间音乐室经过特殊设计处理,能够反射声音,使声音变得低沉厚重。Here are a few tips on authoring and site design.这是一些网站制作与设计的小窍门。This book contains a series of elementary exercises for learners.本书含有为学习者设计的一系列基础练习。 |