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词汇 许多钱
例句 It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house.房屋的内部装饰花去许多钱This is a mistake that could cost the company dear.这是个可能会使这家公司损失许多钱的错误。I've wasted a lot of money on this car.我在这辆汽车上浪费了许多钱He has a barrel of money about him.他身上带著许多钱Redeeming your car from the pound can be expensive.取回被扣的汽车可能得付许多钱He owed thousands of dollars, and his mother had to sell land to bail him out.他欠了许多钱,他母亲只得卖地帮助他摆脱困境。He gave us loads of dosh, just for handing out leaflets.他给我们许多钱,做的事情就是给他发发传单。He still owes a lot of money to the tax office.他还欠税务所许多钱You could make a lot of money selling your photographs, they're excellent.你把照片卖了可以赚许多钱,那些照片太美了。It doesn't cost much to rent an apartment here.在这里租一套公寓花不了许多钱The school raised a lot of money for charity.学校为慈善机构募集了许多钱She spent a lot of money on her trousseau.为置办嫁妆她花了许多钱Wickes lost a lot of money on two large property deals.威克斯在两大宗房地产交易中赔了许多钱In his flusher days he spent a good deal on books.在比较富裕的日子里他花了许多钱买书。We lost a lot of money on that deal.我们在那笔交易上亏损了许多钱I've given you more than enough money to pay for everything.我已给了你许多钱,够你支付一切。My wife spent a lot of money on a leather jacket, but it turns out to be made of faux fur.我老婆花了许多钱买了一件皮大衣,结果是仿造皮做的。Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money.特里在矿业股票上做大笔投机买卖,输掉了许多钱Her family is very rich - they have heaps of money.她家非常富裕—有许多钱He made a lot of money playing the stock market. 他在股票买卖中赚了许多钱They have a lot of money on deposit at the bank.他们在银行里存了许多钱He spent not a little on clothes.他买衣服用去许多钱Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.在好莱坞停工会损失许多钱Buying that second-hand car without having it checked by a mechanic first cost us dear.没先请机修工检查就买了那辆二手汽车,这让我们亏了许多钱I don't want to spend a lot of money on holiday.我不想把许多钱花在度假上。A lot of money was spent to house the refugees.许多钱花在安置难民方面。She wastes an awful lot of money on expensive clothes.她浪费了许多钱买昂贵的衣服。He wheedled quite a bit of money from her.他用花言巧语骗了她许多钱He made a lot of money by trafficking illicit merchandise.他做违禁商品买卖赚了许多钱It cost him pocketfuls of money.这花费了他许多钱




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