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例句 In many respects the new version is not as good as the old one.新版在许多方面不如旧版。Their story is a tragedy in more ways than one. 许多方面看,他们的故事都是一场悲剧。In many respects , her life has been a hard one.许多方面,她的生活一直很艰辛。The appearance of the Internet has changed our culture in many ways.互联网的出现在许多方面改变了我们的文化。It's a vague formulation that leaves much to the discretion of local authorities.这只是个模糊的构想,许多方面还要由地方当局来定夺。In many respects, Mahan's story is that of the Asian community in microcosm.许多方面来说,马汉的经历就是亚裔团体的经历的缩影。Clothes, of course, say a lot about the wearer.衣服当然能反映出其穿戴者的许多方面Though liberated in many respects, she will marry no man who is on a social level lower than her own.她虽然在许多方面思想解放,但她却不愿意跟一个比她社会地位低的男人结婚。This town shows improvement in many directions.该镇在许多方面都有改进。Now that I'm back, I've got quite a lot to readjust to.既然我已回来,我就有许多方面需要重新去适应。He has more power in many ways than the President.许多方面他权力比总统还大。In many ways, Brett and Bernard are polar opposites.许多方面,布雷特和伯纳德截然不同。Their plan is recommendable in many ways.他们的计划在许多方面都是可取的。I agree with much of what you say, but I cannot go all the way with you.许多方面我都同意你所说的,但不是什么都同意。The computer has changed everyone's lives in so many ways.计算机从许多方面改变了每个人的生活。Acting is definitely a young person's profession in many ways.许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。There are many unbelievable aspects to this theory.这一理论有许多方面不可信。His analysis is in many ways highly persuasive.他的分析在许多方面都很有说服力。I have found a number of improvements in the city.我发现城市在许多方面都改观了。Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade.许多方面,安妮塔·卢斯看着都不像是从事剧本创作这一行的。In many respects, Asian women see themselves as equal to men.许多方面,亚洲妇女认为她们与男人是平等的。Coleridge was in many ways far ahead of his time.柯勒律治在许多方面远远走在他那个时代的前面。He is good news on many levels.他在许多方面都让人感到愉快。These local elections may prove a turning point in more ways than one.这些地方选举从许多方面来说都是一个转折点。In many cases living standards are declining.许多方面生活水平正在下降。Despite the surface differences between the two candidates, they are very similar in most ways.尽管这两名候选人表面上有些不同,但他们在许多方面很相似。Our meeting has progressed well, covering a lot of ground.我们的会开得不错,讨论了许多方面的问题。My mother and I are alike in many ways.我和母亲在许多方面很相似。




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