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例句 According to inside information, many members of the security forces are concerned about this problem.据内部消息,保安部队中有许多人对此问题很关心。Many people believe that prison isn't a cure for crime.许多人认为监禁并不能杜绝犯罪。Many people are tired of all the sleaze on TV.许多人对电视上所有这些乌烟瘴气的东西都厌烦了。If river levels continue to rise, it will have very serious consequences for many people's homes.如果河水水位继续上涨,将会给许多人的家园带来严重后果。Solving puzzles is an entertainment for many.猜谜对许多人来说是一项娱乐。Many people began to question the accuracy of his statement.许多人开始怀疑他讲的话是否准确。I have never liked their music, although, to be fair, millions of people disagree with me.我从来不喜欢他们的音乐,不过,公正地说,许多人并不赞成我的看法。Many people take vitamin and mineral supplements.许多人服用维生素和矿物质的补充品。He was the umpteenth person to arrive.他是许多人到达之后才到的。Many suspected that the deal had been fixed in advance.许多人怀疑交易有人事先操纵。The brisk pickup of business in abortion industry has greatly alarmed many people.堕胎行当的生意兴隆使许多人大为震惊。Many people lack adequate pension arrangements.许多人都没有足够的养老金安排。The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。Many people live in perpetual fear of losing their jobs.许多人长期生活在失去工作的恐惧之中。A good many people were upset about the new tax.许多人都对这个新的税项不满。This tiny black fly is the biggest cause of blindness in Central Africa.这种黑色的小苍蝇是中非许多人失明的罪魁祸首。The TV soap has been a springboard for a lot of careers.电视肥皂剧是许多人事业的起点。Lots of people have commented on my post.许多人给我的帖子加了评论。We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realizing it.我们正在努力挖掘许多人自身具有但却没有意识到的潜在艺术才能。A lot of people have a don't-rock-the boat mentality that stops them from complaining.许多人的心态是不想惹事,这令他们不去投诉。A lot of people just come into the shop without buying.许多人只是逛商店而不买东西。For many people, science is something of a closed book.科学对许多人来说是高深莫测的东西。The project requires many hands.这项工程需要许多人手。A lot of people think he's a complete nut, but he's actually quite harmless.许多人都认为他真的是个疯子,但实际上他不会伤害人。A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police.他们中的许多人都对警方提出了正式控告。Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.这部电视剧有很多争议,许多人认为它具有种族主义、性别歧视及仇恨同性恋的倾向。This used to be a bustling town but a lot of people have moved away over recent years.这儿曾经是个繁荣的市镇,但近年来许多人都搬走了。Many people believe the spirit lives on after death.许多人相信死后灵魂仍然活着。James's books are full of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences, which many people do not find appealing.詹姆斯的书中全是大段文字和复杂的句子,许多人都不喜欢。Many people see marriage as the fulcrum of their lives.许多人把婚姻看成是生活的支柱。Many people sympathize with the strikers.许多人同情罢工者。His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚,他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。With regard to the chaos after the earthquake, many people believe the government is at fault for not responding quickly enough.鉴于地震后的混乱,许多人认为政府反应不够迅速,因而负有责任。She said that many people are finding ways to improve their diets, and she mentioned her own family by way of example. 她说许多人在寻找改善饮食的方法,然后她提到自己家人作为例证。Many of the students who leave the course this summer won't have a job to go to.今年夏季完成这门课程的学生中有许多人不会有工作。Many people came to this country in desperate flight from wars or famines.许多人不顾一切逃避战争或饥荒,来到该国。Many people have to use a car to travel to work.许多人不得不开车上班。The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.狂犬病病毒的识别挽救了许多人的性命。Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas.许多人都面临着要过一个拮据的圣诞节。Many people are covered by employer-provided health insurance.许多人都有雇主提供的健康保险。




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