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Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.利兹本想当个笑话讲,但没讲好。They made a bargain that they would stick together no matter what.他们讲好了不管发生什么事都要团结一致。Eventually she struck a bargain with him. She would get him a job if he would help her with her singing.最后他们讲好条件,他如果教她唱歌,她就为他找份工作。Tell a good story rather than simply dishing up facts.要把故事讲好,而不是简单地陈述事实。It doesn't matter what she's talking about - she'll witter on for hours.她在谈什么无关紧要—她会唠唠叨叨的讲好几个小时。 |