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例句 The celebrity was being badgered by reporters.那位名人当时正被记者缠住问问题。She seemed almost oblivious to the crowds of reporters.她似乎并不怎么在意大批记者的存在。Two journalists were teargassed by the police.两名记者遭到警察催泪瓦斯的袭击。They expelled the journalist from their country.他们把这个记者驱逐出境。According to my friends I am the coolest, thinnest, cleverest, funniest journalist in the universe.我的朋友说我是全天下最酷、最瘦、最聪明、最幽默的记者A crowd of reporters had gathered outside the court.一群记者聚集在法庭外。The journalist was found to be in contempt of court for refusing to reveal his sources.记者因拒绝透露其消息来源而被判犯有蔑视法庭罪。A group of reporters blocked his path.一群记者堵住了他的去路。Reporters learned the news on Friday but agreed not to make it public until the following day.记者于周五得知这个消息,但同意到第二天才将其公开。One reporter was wounded in the leg.一名记者腿部受伤。She started work as a junior reporter on a local newspaper.她刚工作时在当地一家报社当初级记者She said that she was tired of being pursued by ravening journalists.她说被饿狼般的记者紧追不放,她厌烦透了。The Deputy Prime Minister told reporters that Canada was ready to play hardball with the US.副首相对记者说加拿大已准备对美国采取强硬态度。The reporter made hundreds of telephone calls while researching the story.这名记者在调查那则报道时打了上百个电话。According to my friends I am the coolest, cleverest, funniest journalist in the universe.朋友们说我是全天下最出色、最聪明、最幽默的记者A contingent of reporters waited in front of the court for the defendant to appear.一群记者在法院门前等待被告的出现。The report says it suspects foul play was involved in the deaths of two journalists.报道称怀疑两位记者之死可能是谋杀。Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.记者艾伦·尼恩负责在中美洲采访报道,定期向《纽约客》杂志投稿。She cleverly parried the reporters' questions.她巧妙地地回避了记者的提问。The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles.这起诉讼案是由一位精神分析学家提起的,他声称一名记者在一系列杂志文章里误引了他的话。I also suspect that I'm becoming a bore, which is something unforgivable in anybody, but especially in a journalist.我还怀疑自己成了个讨厌鬼,这对谁来说都是不可原谅的,对于一名记者来说更是如此。Most of the older reporters have experienced war firsthand.大多数年长的记者都亲身经历过战争。I look around me at the massed ranks of reporters.我看看周围成群的记者She makes a comfortable living as a journalist.作为一名记者,她生活宽裕。She has yet to earn her stripes as a reporter.作为记者,她还有待得到同行们的认可。The first reporters rolled up to the laboratory within minutes.第一批记者在几分钟之内就涌到了实验室。At a press conference, she tossed off breezy replies.在一次记者招待会上她对答如流,妙趣横生。So many journalists were phoning him that he decided to screen his calls.这么多的记者打电话给他,因此他决定过滤电话。The secretary of state has called a news conference to brief journalists on developments.国务卿召开了一次记者招待会,就事件进展向记者们作了简要通报。When the journalists arrived angry residents menaced them with sticks and shovels.记者到达的时候,愤怒的居民用棍棒和铁锹威胁他们。When is the press conference?.记者招待会何时举行?Mr Dahir, a freelance contributor to the BBC, is the latest journalist to be killed in Somalia.最近在索马里被杀的记者是英国广播公司的自由撰稿人达希尔先生。I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.我是洪都拉斯《论坛报》驻华盛顿的记者We needed an experienced reporter and Willis fills the bill.我们需要一个经验丰富的记者,而威利斯正是合适的人选。We were warned not to talk to reporters.我们被警告不准与记者交谈。The reporter got the inside story on the murder.这位记者获悉了凶杀案的内幕。He was many things in his time – musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.他一生身份殊多 — 音乐家、飞行员、养牛的牧场主、实业家和记者The Congressman called in some reporters for a backgrounder.众议员把一些记者叫来参加背景情况介绍会。Certain words make reporters' antennae quiver.某些话能触动记者的敏感神经。In the last year, terrorists have murdered several local journalists.去年,恐怖分子杀害了几名当地记者




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