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例句 Month after month we discuss the same boring issues.月复一月,我们讨论同样的无聊问题。They discussed the much trumpeted tax cuts.他们讨论了被大肆宣扬的税收减免。After further discussion, two members of the jury were swung to vote for acquittal.进一步讨论之后,陪审团有两位成员转而认为应判定无罪。We discussed where the main emphasis should be placed.我们讨论了主要的重点应放在哪里。Some of what we're talking about might better be discussed in private.我们要谈论的一些事情最好是在私下里讨论All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。There's no point trying to discuss anything with him if all he's going to do is snap your head off.如果他只会怒气冲冲地呵斥你,就没必要和他讨论任何事情。I wanted to shift the discussion back to the main point.我曾想让讨论转回到主题上。Healthy eating is much discussed these days, and several books have been published on the subject.现在有关健康饮食已讨论得很多,也出版了几本关于这一话题的书。We had endless meetings about the problem.我们就这个问题进行了无休止的讨论Now let's get this right before we pass on to the next point.讨论下一点之前先让我们把这个问题弄个明白。I asked Ned to lead the discussion.我叫内德来主持这次讨论The professor used the study as a point of reference for evaluating and discussing other theories.教授把这项研究当作评估和讨论其他理论的参照依据。This is a rejection of most of what has gone before.这是对早先讨论过的很多事情的否定。The Government have discussed the matter for a long time.这件事政府已讨论好久了。The discussions stuttered to a halt.讨论断断续续地举行了几次后终止了。Ned and I discussed everything to the nth degree.内德和我彻底地讨论了每一件事情。They shook hands and exchanged courtesies before beginning their discussion.讨论开始前,他们彼此握手并互致问候。The two men plunged into discussion.两个男人讨论了起来。We never discuss our financial difficulties in front of the children.我们从不在孩子面前讨论经济困难。The issue of pay needs to be discussed at our next meeting.工资事宜应该在我们下次的会上来讨论He always tried to keep the discussions impersonal so that no one would be offended.他总是试图让讨论不带个人色彩,避免冒犯任何人。Your question does not belong to this discussion.你的问题不属于这次讨论的范围。They discussed the national government's hegemony over their tribal community.他们讨论了中央政府对他们部落群体的统治权。Prison governors met today to discuss ways of preventing similar breakouts in the future.监狱长今天聚在一起讨论如何防止今后再发生类似的越狱事件。The judge summed up and the jury retired to consider its verdict.法官总结后陪审团退庭讨论裁决。His artworks are meant to cause debate.他的艺术作品意在引起讨论If these discussions are to succeed, we'll need openness from/on both sides.这些讨论要获得成功,需要我们双方坦诚相见。These and other issues will be discussed at the next meeting.这些问题以及另外一些问题将在下一次会议上讨论She didn't feel like discussing weighty matters.她不想讨论严肃问题。You may wish to discuss the matter with your clergyman.你可能希望与你的牧师讨论此事。Over half his speech was devoted to the issue of unemployment.他那篇演讲用了一半多的篇幅讨论失业问题。Community leaders met to discuss the proposed golf course.社区领导人见面讨论拟建高尔夫球场一事。His background qualifies him well to discuss the topic.他的知识背景使他有充分资格讨论这一话题。The matter was discussed at a meeting of the finance committee.这件事在财务委员会的会议上讨论过了。Your paper contains too much description, and not enough discussion of the issues.你的文章描述性内容太多,而对问题的讨论不够。They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。The Government is discussing the proposal.政府在讨论这一提议。In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far.在这一章节里,我们把到目前为止所讨论的主要问题压缩成概要形式。Encourage students to take an active part in discussions.要鼓励学生积极参与讨论




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