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词汇 警示
例句 Cigarettes are required to carry a government health warning.香烟须标注政府的健康警示Everything was going fine. Then, without warning, disaster struck.一切进展顺利。然后,在没有任何警示的情况下,灾难降临了。Even assuming that smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt they'll take any notice.即便假定抽烟者看到了烟盒上的健康警示,我觉得他们也会视而不见。He flashed his lights to warn the oncoming cars.他让灯闪着以警示迎面驶来的车辆。The ulcer was a warning shot, so no smoking, no drinking, no curries.溃疡是一种警示,得了溃疡就不能吸烟、饮酒、吃咖喱。Police have put out a warning about an escaped prisoner.警方已经张贴出一张关于一名逃犯的警示公告。Such a warning reminded people of the necessity of being in a state of grace which would allow them to enter heaven.这一警示提醒世人蒙受圣恩的必要性,这可以使他们升入天国。Warning devices are needed to prevent dolphins and whales from becoming entangled in the nets.需要安装警示装置以防海豚和鲸鱼被网缠住。The accident was a sobering reminder of the dangers of climbing.这场事故是一个发人深省的警示,提醒人们登山有危险。They did not see the sign by the gate saying "Beware of the bull".他们没有看见门旁边“当心公牛”的警示Nobody warned me about the dangers.没人警示过我有危险。Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。The team's defeat is a salutary warning before the World Cup.这次失利是在世界杯比赛之前对全队的一个有益警示The crime scene was marked off with yellow police tape.犯罪现场用黄色警示带隔离起来了。Television companies sometimes broadcast advisories before violent movies.电视台在播放有暴力内容的电影前,有时会有警示His death is a sobering reminder of the dangers of mountaineering.他的死亡是对登山危险性的警示Then without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd.接着军队未作警示便向人群开了火。The guard blew his whistle to warn of the train's imminent departure.列车长吹哨向大家警示火车即将离站。The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.最近的霍乱爆发及时警示人们:这种疾病仍严重威胁着健康。The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.极端主义团体在选举中获胜应该成为所有正派公民的一个警示The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。Illness is a sober reminder of our mortality.疾病警示我们生命有限。Warning notices must be readily understandable.警示通知必须明白易懂。Her story is a cautionary tale for women travelling alone.她的经历对于独自旅行的女性具有警示意义。The book warns about/of the dangers of not getting enough exercise.这本书警示人们运动不足所造成的危害。We've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts.在电视里,假人穿过挡风玻璃飞出去的警示镜头我们见得多了,知道不系安全带的危险。




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