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Natalie was alarmed by the news, and with reason.纳塔莉听到消息很惊慌,这是合乎情理的。Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the new rules.企业预见到遵循新规定将要付出的代价,感到很忧虑。He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.他惊讶地发现自己的车不见了。Many people are alarmed about/at/by the rapid spread of the disease.疾病迅速蔓延,很多人感到恐慌。Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed.弗勒里说我们的恐惧是毫无必要的,尽管他自己也暗暗担忧。The Americans are alarmed at this prospect.美国人对此前景感到担忧。I was alarmed at his behaviour.我为他的行为担忧。Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.许多妇女听说避孕药和乳腺癌之间存在着某种联系都感到十分担心。The house is fully alarmed.整座房子都装了警报器。We are all alarmed by the rise in violent crime.我们都对暴力罪案的增加感到忧虑。Don't be alarmed, it wasn't a serious accident.别担心,这不是很严重的事故。I felt mildly alarmed.我感到有些惊慌。His mother was alarmed at the ghastliness of his face.他的母亲为他恐怖的表情所担心。Everyone was alarmed when the elevator jolted to a halt.电梯震动一下停了,大家都惊慌起来。Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.不断加重的污染引起环保主义者的担忧。They were alarmed to find her dead.他们发现她死了,大惊失色。The rapid spread of the disease has alarmed many people.疾病迅速蔓延,很多人感到恐慌。The passengers in the ship became alarmed when the waves began to crash over the bow.浪涛袭来并越过船身时,乘客们惊恐起来。He was alarmed lest she should find out.他很担忧,唯恐她会发现真相。The whole building is alarmed.整幢大楼装有警报系统。With all this computer equipment, you should really get your house alarmed.有这么多计算机设备,你确实应该给房子里装上报警器。She began to grow alarmed when she realized how late it was.她意识到天有多晚时,变得害怕起来。The government is not unduly alarmed by these figures.政府并没有因这些数字而过分担忧。The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight.那闹声把一群栖息著的鸟吓得都飞走了。She was understandably alarmed/upset/worried.她当时感到惊恐/生气/担心是理所当然的。His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.他感情之激烈和狂暴都让我惊恐。The staff were somewhat alarmed by the man, who was in an excitable state.那个情绪激动的男人让职员们感到有些恐慌。Heavy trucks alarmed one all night.载重卡车声整夜使人不得安宁。Some of his patrons were alarmed, but his evangelism is infectious.尽管一些客户感到不安,但是他的狂热鼓吹还是具有感染力的。I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.他对国际事务缺乏经验且无知,这很让我吃惊。The size of the problem alarmed us.问题牵涉面之大使我们惊恐。She was alarmed at the prospect of being alone.一想到要孤身一人她就感到害怕。She is alarmed that he should get the post.他竟然得了那个职位,她对此不胜担忧。His friends were alarmed by his oscillations between hope and despair.他在希望与绝望间徘徊,这让他的朋友们很焦虑。Warning: this building is alarmed.警告:本楼装有警报系统。Politicians were alarmed over the potential loss of national sovereignty.政治家们担心国家主权有可能丧失。Most of the houses in the street are alarmed.这条街上的大部分房子都装有警报器。Many voters were alarmed by the President's new stridency.很多选民对总统最近表现出来的强势感到不安。The brisk pickup of business in abortion industry has greatly alarmed many people.堕胎行当的生意兴隆使许多人大为震惊。We were alarmed at the way in which John reacted to the drug.约翰身上发生的药物反应使我们惊惶不已。 |