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词汇 言语
例句 Words can't express the terrible grief I felt on losing my daughter.言语无法表达我失去女儿所感到的那种极度悲痛。Words cannot express my sorrow.言语无法表达我的哀伤。The rotundity of phrase cowed everyone.言语之夸张令人咋舌。The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.一名受害者的父亲言语中带着极大的宽容。His bitter remarks are indicative of the resentment he still feels over losing his job. 他的刻薄言语表明他对于失去工作依然耿耿于怀。Words alone can constitute provocation.言语本身就能构成挑衅。I was shocked by their bad language.他们粗鲁的言语让我感到厌恶。Eyes are more eloquent than lips.眉目传情胜过言语Alcohol affects the brain, making speech slurred and imprecise.酒精影响大脑,使言语含糊不清。His words were calm, but his voice betrayed his very real concern and anxiety.他的言语是平静的,但是他的声音却暴露出他确实非常担心和焦虑。His language glitters with marvelous words.美妙的辞藻使他的言语大为生色。Everyone tried discreetly to find out more about him.每个人都言语不露痕迹地试图打探到更多关于他的事。A certain kind of Briton prefers circumlocution and euphemism for even everyday speech.有一类英国人即使在日常言语中也喜欢使用迂回的说法和委婉语。I was shocked by the vulgarity of his language.他粗俗的言语令我震惊。Lady Hilda didn't seem to be at all offended by the earthiness of his language.希尔达夫人似乎一点也没有被他直率的言语所冒犯。Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected her doctor.拉莫娜回忆起她的医生时,言语中透着温情。They had called her rude names.他们用粗鲁的言语谩骂她。His language was irreverent, not to say blasphemous.他的言语即使不算渎神,至少也是不虔敬的。The talk was virulently hostile to the leadership.这次谈话中对领导层言语恶毒,充满敌意。Spoken language externalizes thought.言语使思想外表化。Survivors from the concentration camps had witnessed unspeakable atrocities.集中营的幸存者目睹了言语无法形容的暴行。Gately, a quiet and very polite young man, made a favourable impression.盖特利是一个言语不多、执礼甚恭的年轻人,他给人留下了很好的印象。The young man's eyes said more than words.这年轻人的眼神比言语更能表达感情。Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital.拉蒙纳回忆起曾在乡村医院工作的那位医生时,言语中透着温情。They got into a fight over a minor insult.他们因为一句略微冒犯的言语而大打出手。She could tell by his slurred speech that he had been drinking.从他含糊不清的言语中,她就知道他喝过酒。White House aides pounced on the remark.白宫助手突然对此番言语作出反应。Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.言语是绿叶,行为结硕果。We were shocked by his off-color remarks.言语粗俗,这让我们十分吃惊。Gestures can convey meaning as well as words.手势和言语一样能表达意义。Teachers were threatened with kitchen knives, physically assaulted and verbally abused.老师们被人用菜刀威胁,遭受人身侵犯和言语辱骂。Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior.言语不是艺术,但两者都是人类的行为方式。Her language was indescribably common.她的言语粗俗不堪。The young man was well spoken and polite.这个年轻人言语得体,也很有礼貌。Speech training may easily lead to an increasing immuration of the individual.言语训练易给受训者带来日益增多的束缚。If kids are foul-mouthed and rude, it's probably because they hear that kind of language at home.如果小孩子满嘴脏话,粗鲁无礼,那可能是因为他们在家里听到过那种言语Words, as a means of expression, can be limiting.言语作为一种表达方式有时是有限的。He was a quiet and very polite young man.他是一个言语不多、执礼甚恭的年轻人。James gaily continued to offend everyone with his remarks.詹姆斯还在毫无顾忌地继续以言语伤人。His language indicates a poor education.从他的言语可以看出他没受过多少教育。




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