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例句 Before they could gain entry, they had to deactivate the burglar alarm.他们在进去之前必须解除防盗警报。He was released from duty with the Second Transport Company.他被解除在第二运输连的职务。There has been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm.有人建议应解除黎巴嫩部队的武装。She has been a leader in the efforts to integrate public schools.她一直表率先行,致力于解除公立学校中的种族隔离。Seymour was glad to be behind the wheel again after his two-year ban.两年的禁驶令解除后,西穆很高兴又能重握方向盘。The economy is beginning to grow again after the restraints of the war.战争的束缚解除后,经济又开始恢复。There was no reason for exonerating him from the duties of a committeeman.没有理由解除他作为委员会成员的职责。When the quarantine was lifted, two weeks after it was imposed, the epidemic had been averted.隔离实施两周以后解除,彼时流行病已经得到控制。Relations between the countries have thawed since the trade embargo was lifted.自从贸易禁运解除以来,两国之间的关系有所缓和。Could the psychiatrist put all their troubles right?那精神病医生能解除他们的一切病痛吗? The merciful magic of ether was not used that day, so the poor souls had to bear their pains as best they might.那天,由于没有使用能够魔术般解除疼痛的乙醚,那些可怜的人得尽量忍受他们的痛苦。It is very hard to get rid of his dependency on the drug.解除他的毒瘾很不容易。Their intention was to ease White out of the party leadership.他们的目的是顺利解除怀特的政党领袖一职。The government plans to lift its ban on cigar imports.政府打算解除雪茄进口的禁令。Taking away the burden of administration will free teachers to concentrate on teaching.解除教师的行政负担可以让他们有时间集中精力来教学。For the relief of drought, the rains will have to fall into the catchment area.雨必须要下在集水区才能对解除旱灾有用。The opposition pledged to lift a siege of government buildings.反对派承诺解除对政府大楼的围攻。Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience.仁爱和理解常常会使得男孩吐露真情,以解除良心的负担。The police managed to restore calm and the curfew was partially lifted.警方设法恢复了平静,宵禁部分解除The strict curfew has now been lifted.严格的宵禁现已解除The government has been unsuccessful at disarming the rebels.政府未能解除叛乱分子的武装。There has been a call for Third World debt to be cancelled.曾经有人呼吁解除第三世界的债务。Their engagement is broken off.他们的婚约已解除He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.他呼吁政府解除对越南的贸易禁运。He was relieved of his command after being charged with misconduct.被指控行为不当后,他的指挥权被解除The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。Mr Givens was discharged from the committee and replaced by Mr Benton.吉文斯先生被解除在委员会的职务,由本顿先生接任。The embargo on oil will be lifted.石油禁运将会解除Price decontrol can decrease market supplies.解除价格管制会导致市场供应的下降。The financial de-regulation led to institutions being more willing to lend.金融管制的解除使得金融机构更乐于提供贷款。The partial ban on immigration has been lifted.部分移民禁令已被解除We are cleared by Air Traffic Control to taxi and take off.我们的空中交通管制解除,可以滑行和起飞。The contract can only be broken by mutual consent.合同只有经双方同意后才能解除The Russian government chose not to decontrol oil and gas prices last January.去年一月,俄罗斯政府决定不解除对油气价格的管制。The marriage/business/government was dissolved.婚姻解除/企业解散/政府解体了。The troops will not attempt to disarm the warring militias.这支部队并不打算解除参加战斗的民兵的武装。We need to get rid of Africa's long-term debt burden, and ease trade and commerce.我们需要解除非洲的长期债务负担,促进商贸。In the eyes of the Church no marriage is dissoluble.在教会看来婚姻关系是不可以解除的。They have no right to exclude her from membership.他们没有权利解除她的会员资格。The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.欧盟委员会敦促法国解除进口英国牛肉的禁令。




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