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词汇 解散
例句 He dismissed the congregation with a benediction.他在祝祷中解散了会众。The band came very close to breaking up.乐队快要解散了。Judge Helman dismissed the jury after they failed to reach a verdict.赫尔曼法官因陪审团未能作出裁决而将其解散After the band split Karn went solo.乐队解散之后,谢恩单飞了。Within two years of coming to power, he dissolved Congress and the courts.他执政不到两年就解散了国会和法院。Not long ago, the orchestra was the pride of the city. Now it is on the verge of closing down.不久前这个乐团还是城市的骄傲,可现在它正濒临解散的边缘。The court ordered the dissolution of seven insolvent housing loan companies.法庭宣布解散七家破产的房屋贷款公司。The company has been dissolved.这家公司已经解散A year after his band broke up, he wants to get back into music again.乐队解散一年之后,他很想重拾音乐。The Queen dissolved Parliament.女王解散了议会。The men fell out of the ranks to take a rest.士兵们原地解散休息。The King agreed to dissolve the present commission.国王同意解散目前的委员会。The group wasn't officially disbanded, it just faded away.那个小组并非正式解散,只是从人们的视线当中消失了。With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the East European bloc disbanded as well. .苏联瓦解之后,东欧集团也形同解散Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament.政客们说这可能会导致议会解散She formed a political group which disbanded a year later.她曾经成立了一个政治团体,但一年后就解散了。The assembly resolved itself into a committee.大会解散改开委员会。St Bernard had saved the Order from possible dissolution.圣伯纳德把修道会从解散的边缘挽救回来。The band put out a statement denying rumours of a split.该乐队发表声明否认关于解散的谣言。The group dissolved in dissension within a few years.不到几年,那团体因内部不和而解散The band parted ways after releasing their third album.这个乐队在发布了第三张唱片后解散了。The group stayed together despite several dry years.尽管这几年没取得什么成就,但团队依然没有解散The marriage/business/government was dissolved.婚姻解除/企业解散/政府解体了。In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups to disband.他于七月发布一项政令,解散所有非法武装。Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had failed to reach a verdict.理查德・格罗夫斯法官因为陪审团未能作出裁定而将其解散The club has disbanded.那个俱乐部解散了。The organization may soon cease to exist if more funding isn't provided.如果无法筹集到更多的资金,这个机构可能很快会解散The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government.总统解散了议会,宣布成立临时政府。We decided to bust up the band.我们决定解散乐队。The rock group split up last year.这个摇滚乐队去年解散了。The owner broke up the team by trading many of the best players.老板把许多一流球员转会出售,结果球队也解散了。Creative differences eventually split up the band.创作方面的分歧最终导致了这支乐队的解散The others were dismissed, but Harwood was asked to remain behind.其他人都解散了,但哈伍德被留了下来。Donald was determined to be in at the death and duly attended the shareholders' meeting at which the entire board was dismissed.唐纳德下定决心要在适当的时候参加股东大会,亲眼见证整个董事会的解散The band denied the rumours that they may be splitting up.乐队否认了有关他们要解散的谣传。After their European Cup success the team fragmented.该队在欧洲杯上获胜后解散了。The new system should come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament.新制度应在本届议会解散时生效。Dismiss the men, Sergeant.军士,解散部下吧。They've decided to disband the club.他们已决定解散俱乐部。The Community Association collapsed through lack of support.社区联合会由于缺乏支持而解散了。




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