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Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize.父母必须发挥其天性,设身处地从子女的角度感受。We need to approach the problem from a new/different angle.我们要从新的/不同的角度处理这个问题。Advertisers need to find the right angle to make their product appeal to consumers.广告商需要找到正确的角度使产品吸引消费者。The angle which it makes with a horizontal line is called the dip.与地平线形成的角度称为视倾斜角。Teaching materials need to be culturally appropriate.教材在文化角度来看要恰当。From a farmer's point of view, foxes are a nuisance.从农民的角度来讲,狐狸是个麻烦。The decision was made on a purely commercial basis.这个决定纯粹是从营利的角度作出的。Whichever way you look at it, nuclear power is the energy of the future.不管从哪个角度来看,核能都是未来的能源。Most importantly, it tended to think progressively in terms of growth and development.更重要的是,在增长和发展问题上,它常常会从改革的角度进行思考。She realigned the mirror.她调整了镜子的角度。The situation looks less serious when looked at in a certain light. 从某种角度来看,情况没有那么严重。The strictness of the rules, even when liberally interpreted, has the effect of restricting innovation.这些规则如此严苛,即使从宽泛的角度加以理解,也会抑制创新。He argued theoretically.他从理论角度进行辩论。From a purely commercial viewpoint, the movie was a failure.单纯从商业角度来看,这部电影是失败的。She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint.她纯粹从医治的角度来对待病人。The story was angled to appeal to younger readers.这一新闻从吸引年轻读者的角度进行了报道。Look at the difficulty another way.不妨换个角度看待这一困难。They approached the issue from opposite viewpoints. 他们从相反的角度考虑了这件事情。He has worked hard in recent months to portray the city in a better light.近几个月来他努力从更好的角度描绘这座城市。They considered/approached the problem from opposite points of view.他们从相反的角度考虑/处理这个问题。They attempted to philosophize superstition.他们试图从哲学角度来阐释迷信。A balanced diet is important in nutrition.从营养角度说,各种食品搭配均衡是重要的。For practical and economic reasons the painter adds gel medium to his colours.从经济实用的角度出发,画家通常在颜料中加入凝胶调色剂。Look at it from my angle and you'll see why I'm so sad.站在我的角度看看,你就会明白我为什么这样伤心了。He entered into a technical explanation about software and programming.他开始从技术的角度解释软件和编程。You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。In money terms, the event was a disaster.从钱财的角度而言,这件事是一场灾难。The book looks at the Royal family from a sociological and historical viewpoint.这本书从社会学和历史学的角度研究王室。The story gives a new slant to his character.这个故事从新的角度描绘了他的性格。Try to see things from your wife's perspective.试着从你妻子的角度来看问题。When you reach middle age you get a different perspective on life.人到中年时就会从不同的角度认识生活。We have spent a lot of time looking at the problem from all angles.我们用了很多时间从各个角度来看这个问题。This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.从智识、道德和现实的角度来看,这一论点是站不住脚的。It was a technically brilliant performance.从技艺的角度来看,这真是一场精湛的表演。Let's turn the whole idea around and look at it from another angle.让我们换个角度来考虑这个观点。We had to do the scene over and over again, from different angles.我们不得不翻来覆去地从不同的角度拍这个场面。The nabe is a honey, architecturally.这居住区从建筑学的角度说真是小巧玲珑。The TV series examines childhood from the viewpoints of twelve different families.这部电视剧从十二个不同家庭的角度来探讨儿童成长。These novels mirror life in today's Japan from various angles.这些小说从不同角度反映了当代日本的生活。From the point of view of safety, a lower speed limit would certainly be a good thing.从安全角度考虑,降低限速肯定是好事。 |