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词汇 觉察到
例句 For me, the warning bells started to ring when she lost all that weight.她体重严重下降时,我就觉察到不对劲了。Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel.埃利斯说话时有一种他自己没有觉察到的漫不经心。He probably didn't even notice.他很可能都没有觉察到I remarked a slight accent in his speech.觉察到他说话时稍微带一点地方口音。I detected the subtle signs of disapproval.觉察到一些微妙的征兆,有人可能会反对。He was conscious that they were watching him closely.觉察到他们在密切监视他。I thought I detected the ghost of a smile on her lips.我想我觉察到了她嘴角上的一丝笑意。I could see that something was terribly wrong.我能觉察到有什么事很不对头。I became uncomfortably aware that the people at the next table were watching me.觉察到邻桌的人在看我,我感到很不自在。Did you notice any unusual depression or dullness of mind?你有没有觉察到抑郁、反应迟钝等反常现象?I bent over backwards to make it easier for her and she didn't even notice.我竭尽全力让她做起来容易些,而她完全没有觉察到I often detect a tone of regret in her voice.我常常觉察到她的声音里有遗憾的语气。Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face.阿诺德能觉察到老人脸上的一丝悲伤。She could sense the hesitation in Katelyn's voice.她能觉察到凯特琳声音中的犹豫。Sensing her impatience, I spoke quickly.觉察到她的不耐烦,我加快了语速。We had no inkling that he was ill.我们没有觉察到他病了。I remarked the tense atmosphere as soon as I entered the room.我一走进房间,就觉察到了紧张的气氛。We detected signs that they were less than enthusiastic about their honeymoon.我们觉察到他们对度蜜月丝毫不热心。He was aware of the wind in his face.觉察到有风吹到他脸上。The police caught wind of the plot.警方觉察到了那个阴谋。Bats can sense and identify obstacles in their path.蝙蝠能觉察到并辨别出路上的障碍物。Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.即便是不经意的旁观者也一定已经觉察到本就紧张的气氛进一步加剧了。He's bound to notice your mistake.他必定会觉察到你的错误。Sensing her discomfort, he apologized for mentioning her boyfriend.觉察到她的不自在,他为提到她的男友道歉。He recognized the danger signs and gave up smoking.觉察到了这些危险信号,于是就戒烟了。The animal seemed to sense danger.那只动物似乎觉察到了危险。He divined her unhappiness before she said a word.她还没开口,他就觉察到了她的不快。She was suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat.她突然觉察到自己的心跳加剧了。Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post.他刚一觉察到危险就立即回到了自己的哨位。They ran away at the first sniff of trouble.他们一觉察到麻烦就溜掉了。If a prairie dog senses danger, he whistles a warning.如果草原犬鼠觉察到有危险,它就会鸣叫以发出警告。Do I detect a soupçon of sarcasm in what you just said?我从你的话里觉察到了一点点讽刺意味,是不是这样?But voters are awake to this ruse.但是选民们觉察到了这一计谋。Hugo had already sensed how unhappy she was.雨果已经觉察到了她是多么的不开心。We'll have to be really careful – old Jonesey has eyes in the back of his head.我们得非常小心,老琼西什么都能觉察到I could sense his nervousness.我能觉察到他的紧张。Prost had sensed what might happen.普罗斯特已经觉察到可能会发生什么事。Their dispositions ruffle perceptibly.他们的情绪变化能被觉察到He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of aftershave.觉察到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。He thought he detected a note of irony in her comments.他认为自己觉察到她的评论中带有一丝讽刺。




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