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词汇 规矩
例句 The speaker advocated a less austere observance of the Sabbath.演讲者主张放宽严守安息日的规矩While you're under my roof, you have to live by my rules.只要你住在我家,就得听从我的规矩I hope Nicholas behaved himself at the party.我希望尼古拉斯在派对上规矩一点。To start with, one of the biggest problems in the classroom is that the kids don't get enough discipline at home.首先班里最大的问题之一是这些孩子在家里都不够有规矩Many children who can't or don't conform are often bullied.很多不能或不按规矩行事的小孩常常被人欺负。Quit being a smart-ass and behave yourself.别神气活现的,放规矩点儿。As long as you're living under our roof, you'll follow/obey our rules.只要你还在我们家中生活,你就得服从我们的规矩They make it a rule to treat everyone fairly. 他们把平等待人立为规矩She was a thoughtful, kind, and well-behaved girl.她是个体贴、和善、规矩的女孩。Didn't your parents teach you any manners?难道你父母没有教过你规矩吗?They initiated her into the ways of the corporate world.他们把商界的规矩传授给她。Regulations on children stifled creativity.给孩子们定的各种规矩扼杀了他们的创造力。Research shows that pupils who are good at maths tend to be more conformist and obedient than other pupils.调查研究发现,数学好的学生往往比其他学生规矩听话。The policeman warned the boys to keep their noses clean.警察告诫那些少年放规矩些。He is honourable in his dealings.他做买卖很规矩Behave, or else!.规矩点,否则的话,哼!You can't beat the system.你必须按规矩办事。Once she sets down the rules, there's no changing her mind.她一旦立下规矩,就不会改变。She's got me over a barrel. If I want any more from her, I will have to play the games by her rules.我受制于她了;我要想从她那里再得到什么东西,就得按她的规矩办。We have to live our lives following certain rules.我们过日子得遵守一定的规矩You'd better shape up, young man, or expect to be punished.年轻人,你最好还是规矩些,不然的话就等着受罚吧。You boys have got to learn to behave yourselves.你们这些男孩子必须学着规矩点。I suggest you get rid of that attitude and shape up.我建议你放下那种态度,规矩点。You kids had better shape up, because I'm in no mood to fool around.你们这些孩子最好规矩点,我可不想浪费时间。That was the rule, and woe betide anyone who ignored it.这是规矩,谁不遵守谁就要倒霉。Just behave yourself or you'll get another spanking.规矩点儿,否则你屁股要挨打了。Parents make the rules. To be sure, many of the rules are no longer appropriate today.家长会制定规矩。当然,有很多规矩今天看来已经不合适。When she came home after midnight, her father laid down the law: if she came home that late again, she would not be allowed to watch TV for a week.她午夜过后才回家,于是她父亲立下规矩:如果再深夜晚归,她便一周之内不能看电视。Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。If you let up on him he'll have a chance to show that he can behave himself.如果你对他放松一些,不要管得太严,他就会有机会证明他是可以规矩一点的。It's unprofessional to criticize your colleagues in public.公开批评同事是不合行业规矩的。A lot of kids from strict backgrounds go off the rails when they leave home.许多家教严格的孩子离开家之后,就不再规矩了。Some decent black people were robbed.一些规矩的黑人遭到抢劫。Someone should teach you some manners!应该让人教教你规矩I'm sure we all wish to be less encumbered by rules which we think unnecessary and restricting.我确信大家都希望少受那些并非必要且碍手碍脚的规矩束缚。They conducted themselves with propriety.他们行事规矩得体。Eating around the table was a family ritual that could not be broken.围着桌子吃饭是一个不可打破的家庭规矩He's a spoilt brat and it's about time he learnt to behave properly.他是个被宠坏的淘气包,该学些规矩了。Strictly speaking, I shouldn't be here.规矩,我不该在这儿。In this business, you have to know the rules of the game.在这一行,你就得知道这一行的规矩




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