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词汇 观众们
例句 The hall buzzed with excitement as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。The baseball game completely enthralled the crowd.棒球赛使得观众们完全着了迷。The spectators jeered and whistled.观众们又起哄又吹口哨。People in the audience were hissing their disapproval.观众们发出嘘声表示不满。Although the reviewers slammed the play, the audience loved it.尽管评论家们猛烈抨击该剧,观众们还是很喜欢。The audience was spellbound and seatbound.观众们看得出神,不肯离座。The audience listened in silence throughout.观众们自始至终都在静静地听着。The curvaceous star dazed the fashion show audience with her sensual catwalk display.这位体态婀娜的明星用她那性感的时装表演让观众们眼花缭乱。The audience erupted in laughter. = The audience burst into laughter. 观众们放声大笑起来。The audience went mad.观众们十分狂热。The audience was in hysterics.观众们笑成一团。The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.观众们出奇地安静,只是在每首歌结束后报以礼貌性的掌声。The audience grew restive.观众们变得烦躁不安起来。The audience applauded enthusiastically after the final curtain. 演出结束落幕后,观众们报以热烈的掌声。They have a following here in the West. That much is evident from the delighted reaction of the audiences.他们在西方国家有一批追随者。这从观众们欢欣的反应中就可以看出来。The audience was whooping and clapping.观众们在欢呼鼓掌。After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.两小时的隆重仪式过后,颁发了毕业文凭,观众们疯狂起来。The clown amused the audience by his childish antics.小丑用幼稚的滑稽动作逗观众们发笑。There was a sense of anticipation in the audience as the curtain went up for the premiere.首次公演的幕布升起,观众们满怀期待。I would now like to throw the debate open to our audience.我现在希望观众们能加入我们的讨论。The audience whooped and hollered.观众们欢呼叫喊。A line of male dancers gyrated to the music while the audience screamed their appreciation.一排男舞蹈演员随着音乐大跳性感热舞,观众们尖叫不已,大喊过瘾。She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with.她讨厌扮演那些漂亮可爱、消极被动的女人,观众们已把她定型为这类角色。The audience was enthralled for two hours by a sparkling, dramatic performance.两个小时的表演妙趣横生,高潮迭起,观众们看得如醉如痴。The singer was mobbed by the audience.观众们团团围住了这位歌手。The audience clapped respectfully as she stood up to speak.当她起身发言时,观众们满怀敬意地鼓掌欢迎。The audience was completely under his spell.观众们完全被他迷住了。The audience were now on their feet, cheering wildly.现在观众们都站了起来,疯狂地欢呼。The audience roared its approval.观众们大声喊着,表示赞同。The audience erupted into/with laughter.观众们爆发出一阵阵笑声。The curtain fell, and the audience reposed while discussing the merits of the play.大幕落下,观众们边休息边谈论戏的成功之处。The audience fanned themselves with their programmes.观众们用节目单给自己扇风。The audience clapped and cheered when she stood up to speak.她站起来讲话时,观众们鼓掌欢呼。Would the audience please remain seated.观众们坐着别动。Eager spectators packed the courtroom.急切的观众们挤满了审判室。The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused.观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。It was clear from our postbag that viewers were unhappy about the programme.从我们收到的来信可以清楚看出,观众们对这个节目不满意。The astounded audience watched in amazement.惊愕的观众们看得目瞪口呆。Audience members voted on their favorite presentations.观众们投票评选他们最喜爱的表演。The audience was still laughing as the curtain fell.演出结束时观众们仍在大笑。




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