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词汇 观众
例句 The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.观众叫喊着,欢呼着,挥动着横幅。Angry spectators bum-rushed the stage.愤怒的观众冲上了舞台。Visitors to the show will find it an enthralling experience.观看这场演出的观众将发现这是一次激动人心的经历。After the match the crowd were all jeering at him.比赛结束以后,观众都取笑他。The appreciative audience applauded.有欣赏力的观众鼓了掌。It's a complicated film, and some people may find it hard to keep up with the plot.这部电影复杂难懂,一些观众可能难以跟上情节的发展。The presenter's style may alienate some viewers.节目主持人的风格可能会令某些观众不喜欢。Getting the audience to like you is half the battle.观众喜欢你意味着成功了一大半。A live audience will pose the questions.问题将由现场的观众提出。The comedian flooded the audience with the killingest jokes for an hour.喜剧演员向观众讲了一小时极其滑稽的笑话。Trying to please an audience is the kiss of death for an artist.试图取悦观众对于艺术家来说无疑是自取灭亡。The audience laughed and applauded.观众一边大笑一边鼓掌。He enjoys posturing in front of an audience.他喜欢在观众面前装腔作势。The comedian warmed up the audience before the concert.演唱会开始前,喜剧演员先为观众暖了暖场。A TV programme about cruelty to children brought hundreds of letters from concerned viewers.一个关于虐待儿童的电视节目引起许多观众来信表示关切。Critics believe his days are numbered because audiences are tired of watching him.批评家猜想他走红的时间不会长了,因为观众现在厌倦了他的表演。The audience, not to mention the cast, were not amused.剧中人没有被逗乐,观众也觉得没趣。The TV show has retained its popularity for many years.这个电视节目多年来一直受到观众的喜爱。The audience whooped and hollered.观众又是欢呼又是叫嚷。The deception of the magician's audience was almost complete.看魔术师表演的观众几乎完全受骗了。The singer conquered the hearts of his audience.那位歌唱家赢得了观众的心。The 20,000-strong audience listened, enraptured.两万多名观众听得如痴如醉。The poorness of the play disappointed the audience.这出剧的拙劣令观众失望了。The audience raised a cheer at the end of the speech.演讲结束时观众发出一片欢呼。The audience gave the performers a big round of applause. 观众对表演者们报以热烈的掌声。Blair will be speaking to an invited audience at the Royal Academy.布莱尔将在皇家艺术院对应邀而至的观众发表讲话。He stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.观众极度兴奋的欢呼声中,他出现在聚光灯下。At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.在最后关头,我们说服几位观众加入,凑足了比赛人数。The audience was in a jovial mood.观众情绪高涨。The mark of a good film is that it leaves you talking about it.好的影片都会让观众在看完影片后仍然对其进行品味谈论。Viewers can vote for their favourite / favorite performer.观众可以为他们最喜爱的表演者投票。You could hear a collective gasp from the audience.你可以听到观众一齐发出惊叹。In the painting, the woman has her back to the viewer.画中的这名女子背对观众The singer duly appeared back on stage for an encore.这位歌手应观众要求及时返场。Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术需要观众参与。The audience shouted raptures when the actress appeared on the stage.那女演员一登台,观众便热烈地大声狂呼。Her unfortunate choice of phrase offended most of the audience.她不恰当的措辞惹恼了大多数观众The sunshine on the final day was a welcome bonus for the spectators.决赛当天阳光明媚,观众心情格外欢畅。It took a while before his unusual brand of comedy found an audience.他那种别具一格的喜剧过了一段时间才被观众接受。She stood back and acknowledged the applause of the crowd.她后退一步,对观众的掌声表示感谢。




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