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We're witnessing a piece of history in the making.我们正见证一段历史的创造。He witnessed the signing of her will.他见证了她签署遗嘱。Many of these poems bear witness to his years spent in India.这些诗中的很多首都见证了他在印度度过的岁月。The factories are important monuments to Britain's industrial past.这些工厂是不列颠工业历史的重要见证。Some two hundred people were present to witness the event.大约两百人到场见证了这一事件。They were married a year after they first met, with two friends acting as witnesses.初次见面一年之后,他们在两位朋友的见证之下结婚了。My father lived long enough to see that I'd made something of myself.父亲在有生之年见证了我出人头地的那一天。The company is a monument to Sir Peter's energy and vision.这家公司是见证彼得爵士的旺盛精力和远见卓识的一座丰碑。Two people witnessed the signing of the will.有两个人见证了遗嘱的签署。I realized I was in at the beginning of a great experiment.我意识到自己见证了一次伟大实验的开始。Although this was one of his most successful films, it is not the best memorial to his talents.尽管这是他最成功的影片之一,但并不是他才华的最好见证。He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证。Bristol's grand buildings bear witness to the city's magnificent past.布里斯托的雄伟建筑是该城市辉煌过去的见证。We witnessed the gradual flowering of his talent. 我们见证了他逐渐发挥出才能的过程。We are witnessing the birth of a new era.我们正在见证一个新时代的诞生。The ruined house was a stark reminder of the recent earthquake.已成废墟的房子是近来这场地震的严酷见证。The region has seen some of the fiercest fighting in the war.这个地区见证了这场战争中的一些最惨烈的战斗。His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.他粗壮肿胀的手指是一生劳作的见证。Hundreds of thousands gathered at the Vatican to see the canonization of Padre Pio.几十万人聚集在梵蒂冈以见证皮奥神父被封为圣者。You must sign the document in the presence of an independent third party.你签署此文件必须有独立的第三方见证。We are witnessing the emergence of a major new talent.我们正在见证一位优秀新人崭露锋芒。He is a living witness to the success of the scheme.他是这个计划取得成功的活见证。This landscape bears silent witness to one of the greatest tragedies in history.这片风景默默地见证了历史上最大的悲剧之一。The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.这一时期见证了葡萄酒业的大复兴。The ancient temples bear silent witness to the passing dynasties.这些古刹默默见证了历代的兴亡。She's seen a lot of employees come and go during her time in the company.她在公司任职期间见证了许多员工的人事变更。These islands have seen a lot of history.这些岛屿是许多历史事件的见证。The contract is witnessed by others and duly recorded.合同在见证下签订并予以正式记录。The cherry on the cake was having my wife and little boy in the crowd to witness it.更可喜的是,我的妻子和小儿子在人群中见证了一切。These village boys are going to see massive changes.这些村子里的男孩子们将要见证巨大的变化。Donald was determined to be in at the death and duly attended the shareholders' meeting at which the entire board was dismissed.唐纳德下定决心要在适当的时候参加股东大会,亲眼见证整个董事会的解散。You need two witnesses in order to get married.你需要两个见证人才能结婚。The contract was signed in the presence of two witnesses.这份合同是在两位证人的见证下签署的。He saw first-hand the impact of colonialism.他亲眼见证了殖民主义带来的冲击。The world had witnessed a titanic struggle between two visions of the future.世界见证了两种对未来的构想之间的激烈较量。Several people testified during the revival meeting.有几个人在布道奋兴会上做了见证。We were watching history in the making. 我们正在见证历史的形成。Two people must witness your signature or your will is not valid.必须有两人见证签字,否则遗嘱不会有效。Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.更擅长贸易的文明见证了其财富的随之增长。We have been able to watch her evolution into a world-class runner.我们得以见证她逐渐成长为一名世界级的赛跑运动员。 |