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He was the old-fashioned type, well-mannered and always in a suit and tie.他是个老派的人,待人彬彬有礼,总是穿着西装并打着领带。He always dressed inconspicuously in a gray suit.他总是一身灰色西装,很不显眼。He looked dirty and was wearing an ugly, shapeless suit.他看上去很脏,穿着一件丑陋的、走了样子的西装。He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him.他瘦了,西装穿在身上松松垮垮的。A tall, well groomed man in a business suit walked in.一位穿着整洁西装的高大男人走了进来。One or two, in blue suits, might have been bank officials. Others were clearly working men.有一两个穿蓝色西装的人可能是银行职员,其他的显然都是普通工人。She saw Ellis, soberly dressed in a well-cut dark suit.她看见了埃利斯,他穿着一身裁剪合体的素净的黑西装。We don't have to wear suits for work, but we do have to look presentable.我们上班不必穿西装,但必须看上去像样。He put on his second best suit.他穿上了自己第二好的西装。They were both darkly dressed in business suits. 他们两个都穿着深色公务西装。My uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie.我舅舅穿了一套法兰绒西装,一件洁白无瑕的衬衫,戴了一条有品味但色调暗淡的领带。He was perfectly dressed in a dark suit and tie.他穿着深色西装,系着深色领带,十分得体。He was perspiring in his thick woollen suit.他裹在厚厚羊毛西装里的身体直流汗。Okay, I'll put on a tie and jacket. Anything you say.好,我会穿上西装打上领带全照你说的做。A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。He looks nice in his new suit.他穿上新西装很帅气。He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane.他身穿一件灰色西装,吃力地拄着拐杖。He looked like an academic, dressed in tweeds and smoking a pipe.他身穿粗花呢西装、嘴里叼着烟斗,看上去像是个搞学术的人。Could you collect my suit from the dry-cleaner's?你能帮我去干洗店取西装吗?He was making a fashion statement by wearing a pink suit.他穿了套粉色西装,以此彰显其时尚品位。My suit is at the dry cleaner's.我的西装送去干洗了。He wore his gray suit to the job interview.他身穿灰色西装前去工作面试。The suit has a fashionable cut.这套西装式样时髦。The suit fits him perfectly.这套西装他穿着完全合身。That tie tones in well with your suit.那条领带和你的西装颜色很配。He hired a suit from Moss Bros.他从莫斯兄弟公司租了一套西装。He looked a right prat in that pink suit.他穿着那套粉红色的西装看起来很傻。He bought that suit off the peg. 他买了那件现成的西装。I had my suit tailored.我的西装是定做的。His bony wrists and ankles were hanging out beyond his off-the-peg summer suit.他瘦削的手腕和脚踝露在他穿的那套成品夏季西装外面。He put on an old blue suit, intending to pass himself off as a businessman.他穿上一件旧式的蓝色西装,打算冒充生意人。I saw this nice-looking man in a grey suit.我看到了这位穿灰西装的英俊男子。Harvey arrived, dressed up in his only business suit.哈维来了,穿着他唯一的一套西装。Despite the heat, he'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie.尽管很热,他还是脱掉工作服换上了西装和领带。Two men in suits came out of the hotel.两名穿西装的男子走出了宾馆。Dale spun around the dance floor in a snazzy blue suit.戴尔身穿鲜艳的蓝色西装在舞池里回旋飞舞。She wore a handsome gray suit to the office.她身着笔挺的灰色西装去上班。Graham walked into the restaurant, looking dapper in a grey business suit.格雷厄姆走进餐馆,身穿整洁的灰色西装,看上去很精神。He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit.他穿了件很不合身的绿色灯芯绒西装。He could use a new suit for work.他需要一套新西装上班。 |