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词汇 curled
例句 She had curled her naturally straight hair.她把自然直发做成了鬈发。Her lip curled in disapproval.她不以为然地撇了一下嘴。He curled his lip at most of what went on around him.他对自己周围发生的事情大多抱着轻蔑的态度。The little girl curled up into a ball in her mother's arms.小女孩在母亲的怀里蜷成一团。She was lying curled up on her bed.她蜷曲着躺在床上。He curled one leg about the other.他把一条腿盘在另一条腿上。Morning mists curled across the river.河面上晨雾缭绕。The two cats curled up together in the armchair.那两只猫在扶手椅上蜷缩在一起。She curled up on the sofa to watch TV.她蜷缩在沙发上看电视。The cat curled up on the carpet.猫蜷卧在地毯上。He curled the ball into the top right hand corner.他一记弧线球从球门右上角打入。She curled her legs up under her.她盘腿而坐。She curled up next to him.她蜷缩在他身边。She sat with her legs curled under her.她盘腿坐着。The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.那只猫蜷成一团睡着了。I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。Tina curled her slender fingers into a fist.蒂娜卷起细长的手指,握成拳头。The document was yellow and its edges had curled inward.文件已泛黄了,页边向内卷起。The rose leaves have curled because of an attack by grubs.玫瑰的叶子因为闹虫害而卷边了。A snake curled around his leg.有条蛇盘绕在他的腿上。A blue wisp of cigarette smoke curled in the air.香烟冒出的一缕青烟在空中缭绕。The cat curled into a ball and fell asleep.猫蜷缩成一团睡着了。He was lying curled up with his back to us.他蜷着身体,背对我们躺着。The hairdresser curled her hair.理发师将她的头发卷起来。He was asleep there, curled up in the fetal position.他像胎儿一样蜷曲地睡在那儿。As she talked, she curled a strand of hair on one finger.她一边说,一边把一绺头发绕在指头上。Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.卡拉正蜷缩在沙发上,一边吸着烟,一边轻抚着她的猫咪。He curled the ball into the net.他一脚弧线球射门成功。A thin twist of smoke curled from the cottage's single chimney.一缕盘旋的轻烟从农舍唯一的烟囱里缭绕升起。She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin.她蜷缩成一团,膝盖抵着下巴。The boys are curled asleep in the small bedroom upstairs.男孩们蜷缩在楼上的小卧室里睡熟了。They were on the sofa, curled up together, kissing.他们在沙发上蜷拥在一起亲吻。Smoke curled off the end of the cigarette.青烟从香烟的一端盘旋升起。The animal's body was curled up in a tight little ball.这个动物的身体紧紧地蜷缩成一团。The snake curled itself around its prey.那条蛇把猎物盘绕了起来。A snake curled around the trunk of tree.一条蛇盘绕在树干上。The cat was curled up in a ball.那只猫蜷作一团。His fingers curled tightly around the steering wheel.他的手指紧紧把住方向盘。Maria had curled her hair for the event.玛丽亚为出席那次活动烫了头发。Sam's hands curled up into fists.萨姆攥紧了双拳。




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