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词汇 curl
例句 His hair has a natural curl.他的头发是自然卷。I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.我只想蜷着身体睡觉。A curl of smoke rose from her cigarette.她的香烟冒出一缕青烟。When hedgehogs are in danger, they curl their bodies into tight balls.刺猬遇到危险时,就把身体紧紧蜷成一团。When I think what Shanghai must have been like before liberation, it makes me curl up.当我想到解放前的上海会是个什么样子时,便感到寒心。I was so tired all I wanted to do was curl up and watch TV.我累极了,只想蜷着身子看电视。A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove.生锈的炉子里冒出一缕青烟。The conditioner will help you keep the curl of your hair.护发剂有助于你保持头发卷曲。The other man's abject cowardice made Danforth curl his lip.丹福思因为另一个男人低声下气的怯懦行为撇了撇嘴。She pushed a stray curl away from her eyes.她撩开眼前一绺散落下的鬈发。The girls, before their marriage-day, cut off a curl, and twining it round a distaff, lay it upon the grave of the strangers.姑娘们在她们的婚礼日之前,剪下一绺头发,缠在纺纱杆上,放到陌生人的坟头。I've heard stories about that guy that would make your hair curl.我听说过那家伙干的那些可怕的事。Can you curl your tongue?你能卷起舌头吗?In colder weather, your cat will curl up into a tight, heat-conserving ball.天气更冷时,猫会为了保存热量而紧紧地缩成一团。It's a good night to stay home and curl up with a book and a cup of tea.蜷坐在家里,有一本书和一杯茶相伴,这真是美好的夜晚。The map had started to curl in at the edges.地图边上已经开始卷起。I just wanted to curl up and die when I spilled coffee on their new carpet!当我把咖啡洒在他们崭新的地毯上时,我简直羞愧难当!She wanted to curl up and hide from the horrors outside.她想蜷缩起来,躲避外面恐怖的一切。She twisted her hair round her fingers to make it curl.她把头发绕在手指上使之拳曲。Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.要想头发卷最多,最有光泽,就让卷发自然晾干。He acknowledged her remark with a faint curl of his lips.他微微撇了一下嘴,对她的话表示认同。Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot downwards.抬起一只脚,弯曲脚趾,使脚尖朝下。The heat takes all the curl out of your hair.热气把你头发上的卷卷全都烫直了。On winter evenings she liked nothing better than to curl up in front of the fire with a good book.冬天的夜晚,她最喜欢的莫过于蜷缩在火炉前看一本好书。My hair doesn't have much curl.我的头发不怎么卷。He wanted to curl into a tiny ball.他想蜷缩成小小的一团。She brushed back a stray curl of hair.她把一绺卷曲的散发向后梳去。A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。Her hair appeared to curl naturally.她的头发看起来是自然卷。The pages had begun to yellow and curl.书页已经开始泛黄卷边。The letter was now yellow and beginning to curl up.这封信如今已发黄并开始卷曲。She has hair that refuses to curl.她的头发不易出卷。The prices here will curl your hair.这儿的东西贵得吓死人。Just thinking about my old boyfriend makes my toes curl.一想起前男友我就觉得气恼。Use a diffuser to maximise the volume and curl of your hair.用吹风机造型集风嘴来使头发尽量蓬松、卷曲。His hair had a slight curl to it.他的头发微微卷曲。Its tendrils curl around the stem of the host plant.它的卷须缠绕在寄主植物的茎上。The curl on the shot sent it looping around the keeper into the far corner of the net.弧线球绕过守门员从远角飞入球门。The wave and curl of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth.波浪形的金色卷发让她显得性感又年轻。Her hair lost its curl as she got older.随着年龄的增长,她的头发不再卷曲了。




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