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词汇 装备
例句 We packed our camping equipment into the mountains.我们把野营装备背进山。Mountain rescue teams have harsh words to say to people who climb without proper equipment.登山救援队对不带合适装备登山的人颇有怨言。The soldiers were all armed with automatic rifles.士兵全都装备有自动步枪。The protesters were armed with rocks and petrol bombs.抗议者装备了石块和汽油弹。Climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding.登山者得把所有的装备都背上,更不用说帐篷和寝具了。The equipment carries a hefty price tag. 这套装备价格不菲。These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles.这些潜艇装备有核飞弹。Their troops were armed with mortars and machine guns.他们的军队装备有迫击炮和机关枪。Britain looks set to send a major force of over 100 tanks and supporting equipment.看来,英国已下决心要派遣一支配备有百余坦克和支援装备的主力部队。When climbing in snow and ice, it is essential to use the correct gear.在冰雪中爬山,使用正确的装备很重要。I don't think we should tool up the police with automatic weapons. 我觉得我们不应该给警察装备自动武器。The bags keep your camera kit firmly attached to you at all times.有了背包你可以随身携带相机装备All were equipped with 20-power scopes.全都装备有二十倍的望远镜。Conference rooms were equipped at great expense.装备会议室花了一大笔费用。NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.北约官员同意可在联合国安理会要求的情况下派出部队并提供装备参加这样的军事行动。Only a specially equipped ship could cut a way through such tightly-packed ice.只有特别装备的船只才能够从这样厚实的积冰中开辟出一条通路来。In the computer industry, engineers have to retool frequently.在电脑业中,工程师必须经常以新知识充实装备自己。Another country was rearming their enemies.另一个国家正在给他们的敌人提供新装备It was ruled that the injured man was in breach of his duty by not wearing the safety equipment provided.裁决认为伤者未佩戴提供的安全装备是没有尽到义务。Professional mountaineers usually prepare lots of accouterments before they make the climb.专业登山者在登山时一定要准备许多衣著或装备They own a store that sells boating equipment.他们有一家划艇装备店。We found seats and stowed our gear.我们找到位子,把装备堆放好。The ship has nearly finished rigging and will sail tomorrow.这条船装备行将就绪,将在明天开航。In the next two years, Nasser regularly collided with the different Western powers, who refused to arm him.随后的两年里,纳赛尔不断与拒绝为他提供武器装备的几个西方大国发生冲突。Knowing he was going into television, he set out to master the art,to retool himself.得知自己将从事电视业,他就着手去掌握这门技术,以新学识装备自己。He surveyed the wreckage of his expensive equipment.他查看了一番他那昂贵装备的残骸。We planned a trial run there with the camels and gear.我们计划带骆驼和装备去那里作一次试验性旅行。Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags.我们的野营装备包括锅子和睡袋。Children's World can kit out your kids from head to toe.儿童世界能为你的孩子们提供从头到脚的装备The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.直升飞机专为快速将士兵和装备转移到战地上。Most modern planes are equipped with very advanced transponders.现代的飞机都装备有非常先进的发射器。They are fitting out new offices.他们在装备新办公室。Their army is poorly equipped.他们的军队装备很差。Our kit consists of rucksacks, sleeping-bags, and a stove.我们的装备包括帆布背包、睡袋和一只炉子。You can stash your gear in here.你可以把你的装备存放在这里。These elite forces are the best equipped and trained in the world.这些精锐部队是世界上装备最精良且训练最有素的部队。Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.更好的驾驶装备会改善湿滑情况下的抓地力。In a rare public airing of grievances, disgruntled soldiers complained about a lack of armoured vehicles and equipment.心怀不满的士兵们罕见地公开发声,抱怨缺乏装甲车辆和装备The mountain climbers were outfitted with the latest equipment.登山者用最新的设备装备起来。The children were ill-equipped for hill-walking.这些孩子缺乏走山路的装备




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