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词汇 被打破
例句 People were throwing stones and several windows were broken.人们在扔石头,几扇窗户被打破了。When you get involved in sports, a lot of the racial barriers are broken down.在体育运动中,许多种族隔阂被打破Bob Beamon's long-standing record for the long jump was eventually broken.鲍勃・比蒙长期保持的跳远纪录最终被打破了。I wasn't anywhere near the house when the window was broken, so you can't hang that on me!窗玻璃被打破的时候我根本就不在房子附近,所以你不能把这个怪到我头上!The broken vase lay in shatters.花瓶被打破,成了一堆碎片。The Olympic record he set is still unbroken.他创下的奥林匹克纪录至今仍未被打破Any moment now the silence will be broken.寂静随时会被打破He set a record that may never be broken.他创造了一个可能无法被打破的纪录。Two car windows were broken and minor damage was done to some shops.两扇车窗被打破,有几家商店遭到轻微破坏。The male exclusivity on such jobs as bankers, etc. has already been broken.对诸如银行家之类职位的男性垄断局面已被打破了。This myth has now been demolished.这个神话现在已经被打破了。We knew the arms embargo was being broken.我们知道武器禁运被打破了。A tongue-tied silence was suddenly broken.突然,沉默无言的局面被打破了。Suddenly the silence was shattered.寂静突然被打破了。His hopes were nearly snuffed out.他的希望几乎都被打破了。Their party's loss of two members shifted/tipped the balance of power in the legislature.他们的政党失去了两个席位,立法院的均势局面也因此被打破




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