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词汇 衰落
例句 Cinemas declined with the growth of television.随着电视的发展,电影院衰落了。A recent strengthening of the dollar has given a lift to flagging European markets.近期美元的上涨给逐渐衰落的欧洲市场帮了忙。The Turkish Empire decayed in the nineteenth century.土耳其帝国在十九世纪时衰落I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline.恕我冒昧,我对公司的衰落有不同的解释。The decline of the port is sad testament to the state of the shipping industry.该港的衰落是航运业现状的可悲证明。The cloth trade went into gradual decline.布匹贸易逐渐衰落The derelict buildings are the signs of a town in decay.这些荒废的建筑兆示着一个城市的衰落Popular cinema seems to have decayed.大众电影似乎已经衰落了。The declining dollar gave heart to skittish investors.美元的衰落给总是担惊受怕的投资者们带来了信心。It is accepted wisdom that science has been partly responsible for the decline of religion.人们普遍认为,科学的兴起是宗教衰落的部分原因。The rise of the novel was coincident with the decline of storytelling.小说的兴起和说书的衰落是同时发生的。By then Britain as an imperial power had declined.到那时,英国作为一个帝国已经衰落He predicted the fall of world capitalism.他预言了世界资本主义的衰落Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴盛与衰落的大帝国。The spread of nationalism anticipated the decline of the Empire.民族主义的蔓延加速了帝国的衰落They lament the decline of old-fashioned communities.他们哀叹老式社区的衰落The cocoa industry dwindled because it became increasingly difficult to cover costs.由于越来越难以收回成本,可可产业日渐衰落The country's decline is a case study in economic mismanagement.该国的衰落就是经济管理不善的一个典型案例。Such actions would most likely lead to the decline of rural communities.这样的行动极有可能会导致乡村社区的衰落The rise of one aristocratic family usually meant the eclipse of another.一个贵族家庭的兴起往往意味着另一个家庭的衰落This neighbourhood is getting run-down.附近这一带正在日渐衰落She cynically asserts that our species is devolving.她以嘲笑的口气断言人类正在走向衰落His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership.他的慷慨陈词听起来像是一个衰落的领导层垂死的挣扎。Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。Without a lot of money, the mayor won't be able to stop urban decay.若没有大量的资金,市长就无法阻止城市的衰落




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