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词汇 表示祝贺
例句 I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory.我只是想对你的胜利表示祝贺I said congratulations and shook his hand.我向他表示祝贺并跟他握了手。The employees should be congratulated for the part they have played in the success.应对员工们在这次成功中所发挥的作用表示祝贺He smiled his congratulations and left without another word.他微笑着表示祝贺,然后就离去了,没有再多说一句话。Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers.对胜者表示祝贺,对失败者表示同情。Bochmann lisped his congratulations.博克曼口齿不清地表示祝贺Congratulations to everybody who sent in their ideas.向所有贡献自己点子的人表示祝贺We congratulated him on his exemplary work.我们为他的杰出工作向他表示祝贺She congratulated him with gentle irony.她略带讽刺地向他表示祝贺May I take this opportunity to congratulate Ruth on her promotion.让我借此机会对鲁斯的晋升表示祝贺I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation.我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺Her curmudgeonly cynic of a boss saw no reason to offer congratulations.她脾气暴躁、愤世嫉俗的老板认为没有理由表示祝贺He called the team manager to offer his congratulations.他打电话给球队经理表示祝贺Please join me in congratulating Luke on an outstanding season.请和我一起为卢克在赛季中的杰出表现表示祝贺It would be/seem churlish not to congratulate him.不向他表示祝贺会显得无礼。I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand.我向他表示祝贺,并走过去和他握手。All three are to be congratulated for doing so well.这三位干得这么出色,应该向他们都表示祝贺She congratulated us on our test results.她对我们取得的考试成绩表示祝贺It was a good long-term investment. Officials and organizers can take a bow.这是一项很好的长期投资。应该对官员和组织者表示祝贺It's still not clear whether congratulations or commiserations are in order.还不清楚是该表示祝贺还是惋惜。




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