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词汇 衡量
例句 The CBI's survey is usually a pretty accurate indicator of economic activity.英国工业联合会的调查报告通常是衡量经济活动相当精确的指标。The most common way of measuring poverty today is to use an income-based poverty line and ascertain the numbers below it.如今衡量贫困最常用的方法是划定一条基于收入的贫困线,并确定有多少人收入在此之下。The gift is generous by any standards.无论以哪个标准来衡量,这都是一份厚礼。You can't put a price on true love.真爱无法用金钱衡量There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.有意就读的学生在报名参加一门课程前没有任何参照标准去衡量各个学校的水平。Experience is subjective and very hard to measure.经历具有主观性,很难衡量Are IQ tests the best measure of intelligence?智商测试是衡量智力的最好方法吗?The team pondered their chances of success.这个团队仔细衡量了他们成功的可能性。This book is the standard by which all others must be judged.这本书是衡量其他所有书的标准。Doctors say it is too early to measure the effectiveness of the drug.医生认为现在衡量这种药物的效果还太早。A reliable measure of progress is whether your children can do something they couldn't do before.衡量孩子是否有进步的一个可信标准是看他们能否做以前不会做的事情。Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending.零售额是衡量消费支出的一个尺度。It helps to put their personal problems into perspective.将他们的个人问题进行全盘衡量会有所帮助。The fact remains that inflation, however you measure it, is unacceptably high.必须承认,无论怎么衡量,通货膨胀率都高得难以接受。Money and human life are incommensurable.金钱和人的生命无共同的衡量尺度。In simple terms, productivity is merely a measure of effectiveness with which people produce goods and services.用简单的话说,生产力只不过是对人们生产商品和提供服务的效率的一种衡量What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?你用什么标准来衡量学生的学业? The test results were used as an index of language proficiency.考试结果被用作衡量语言水平的指标。The pyramids are a remarkable piece of engineering, even judged by modern standards.即使用现代的标准来衡量,金字塔也仍然是一项辉煌的工程。The goal is to create a yardstick by which to measure the progress.旨在创建一个衡量进步的标准。She believes that success should be defined in terms of health and happiness.她认为,成功与否应以健康和幸福来衡量By any standards, the accomplishments of the past year are extraordinary.不管以哪种标准来衡量,过去一年都成果斐然。The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.米是国际单位制中衡量长度的标准单位。Intelligence cannot be measured just by exam results.人的智力水平不能仅仅用考试成绩来衡量Shakespeare is the standard against which all playwrights must be measured.莎士比亚是必然会用以衡量所有剧作家的标准。The conditions are primitive by any standards.无论用什么标准来衡量,其条件都很简陋。The company is a success by any measure.无论怎么衡量,这家公司都是成功的。British Steel is benchmarked against the best operations anywhere in the world.英国钢铁公司被用作标准来衡量世界各地最好的企业。Few employers measure employee productivity.很少有雇主衡量雇员的生产力。This figure alone is not a fair measure of our success.单凭这个数字不能公正地衡量我们的成功。The tests will give parents a gauge of how their children are doing.这些考试可以让家长对孩子的学习状况有一个衡量的尺度。Do you think the TOEFL score is a good yardstick for English proficiency?你认为托福成绩是一种衡量英语流利程度的好标准吗? You can't put a price on happiness.你不能以金钱来衡量幸福。The test provides parents with a reliable index of their child's progress.该项测试向家长们提供了一个可靠的尺度来衡量孩子们的进步。There is no way to measure these effects; the chances are it did some good.没有办法衡量这些效果;可能它起到了一些作用。You can't put a value on motherhood.你无法用金钱来衡量做母亲的价值。We measure our achievements against the highest standards.我们与最高标准相比较来衡量我们的成绩。Never would she measure his love by the dowry he gave her.她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱。You can't put a price on what a mother does for her children.不能用金钱来衡量母亲为自己孩子的付出。It's a remarkable result by any standard.以任何标准来衡量,这都是一个了不起的结果。




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