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词汇 行踪
例句 Her whereabouts have been shrouded in secrecy since she received the death threat.自从收到死亡威胁后,她的行踪就成了一个谜。She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.她不肯透露她女儿的行踪The police are attempting to retrace his movements on the night of the robbery.警方正在试图找出他在发生抢劫的当晚的行踪The gunmen tracked down their target, despite the shroud of secrecy surrounding his whereabouts.尽管他行踪神秘,持枪歹徒还是追踪到了他。Investigators listened to the wiretaps for clues about the suspect's whereabouts.调查人员听了谈话录音以获得关于嫌疑人行踪的线索。The culprits covered their tracks well and left little evidence at the crime scene.那些罪犯很好地掩盖了行踪,几乎没在犯罪现场留下什么证据。Do you know their whereabouts?你知道他们的行踪吗?The police have traced her movements to the time of her death.警方已追查出她死亡前的行踪They are monitoring the movement of animals in and out of the country.他们正在监视出没于该国境内各种动物的行踪Police are trying to trace Carter's movements since Tuesday.警方在设法追查卡特自星期二以来的行踪Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.这些警卫表面上是为了保护我们。实际上,他们在那里是为了随时报告我们的行踪We are keeping tabs on their movements.我们正在监视他们的行踪He had been careless, and had done little to cover his tracks.他很粗心,没怎么隐匿自己的行踪The police want to know the whereabouts of his brother.警方想知道他兄弟的行踪His whereabouts are a closely-guarded secret.他的行踪严格保密。He would not volunteer any information about her whereabouts.他不会主动透露她的行踪Her whereabouts is a jealously guarded secret.她的行踪是严格保密的。He gave a full and accurate account of his movements.他完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪Police are trying to piece together his movements before the murder.警方想把凶案发生前他的行踪拼凑起来。The thief was caught on videotape.录像带记录下了窃贼的行踪I have no knowledge of his whereabouts.我对他的行踪一无所知。In testimony before the Crown Court, she described her movements on the day of the murder.在向刑事法庭提供的证言中,她讲述了凶杀案案发当日她的行踪Police wiretaps tracked the suspect's movements into the heart of an extremist underworld girding for a global offensive.警方通过窃听追踪嫌疑人的行踪,进入了一个极端地下组织的核心,发现他们正策动一场全球袭击。By retracing Heather's movements we may find some clue to the crime.通过追查希瑟的行踪,我们或许可以发现一些犯罪线索。He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.关于那个人的行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。She covered her tracks by saying that she'd been at a friend's house all that evening.她说那天整个晚上她都在一个朋友的家里,以掩盖自己的行踪Police have been unable to trace her movements during her final days.警方无法追踪到她最后几天的行踪I want a full account of your movements the night Mr Gower was killed.请你完整地描述一下高尔先生被杀的那天晚上你的一切行踪No-one excelled him at covering his tracks.没有人比他更会掩盖自己的行踪At night infrared cameras track these birds even as they sleep.在夜晚,红外摄像机记录这些鸟的行踪,包括它们睡觉时的情形。The country took preemptive action against the perceived enemy.国家对暴露行踪的敌人采取了先发制人的行动。She was closely questioned about her whereabouts on the night of the murder.就凶杀案当晚她的行踪对她进行了仔细盘问。She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son's whereabouts. As it happened, Amy had.她打电话给埃米,看她是否知道自己儿子的行踪。埃米还真就知道。




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