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词汇 血统
例句 She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.她为自己拥有古老的皇室血统倍感自豪。They are proud of their multinational ancestry and mixed blood.他们为他们多民族的祖先和混血血统而自豪。Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范。He's half English, half Swiss.他有一半英国血统,一半瑞士血统There's some Italian blood in her family. 她的家族有一些意大利血统The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.精明狡猾的首相辩解说自己是苏格兰血统There's a drop of Irish blood in her veins.她有一点儿爱尔兰血统His Irish strain gives him a sense of humour.他的爱尔兰血统赋予他一种幽默感。She's part English, part Italian.她有部分英国血统和部分意大利血统The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.精明的总理指出自己是苏格兰血统,为自己留了一条后路。His fair, freckled skin and blue eyes reflect his Irish heritage.他那白皙、长着雀斑的皮肤和蓝眼睛显示出了他的爱尔兰血统I am proud of my Brazilian roots.我为我的巴西血统感到自豪。They claim to be of royal descent. 他们声称拥有王室血统Her fine features suggested she was of Arabic or Indian ancestry.从她标致的五官看来,她可能有阿拉伯或印度血统My uncle is my nearest relative.我叔叔是我血统最近的亲威。What is the dog's pedigree?这只狗是什么血统Competitors had to be of pure Greek blood and not polluted by manslaughter or non-payment of fines due.参赛者必须是纯希腊血统,且从未杀过人或者拖欠罚金不还。Like many Canadians, she had some Scottish blood.像许多加拿大人一样,她有部分苏格兰血统She's half English, half Irish.她有一半英国血统、一半爱尔兰血统She is of mixed Australian and Japanese parentage.她既有澳大利亚血统又有日本血统She's part French and part Italian. 她有一半法国血统,一半意大利血统Zidane became the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的模范人物。His Greek heritage was evident in his features.他的相貌凸显了他的希腊血统He is an American of French ancestry.他是法国血统的美国人。She's part Native American.她有美洲原住民的血统I am part Russian, part English.我有一半俄罗斯血统,一半英国血统Lady Bolsover examined the breeding of all her daughter's suitors to make sure there were no blemishes in the stock.博尔索弗夫人审查了她女儿所有追求者的家世,以确保家族血统没有污点。He comes from royal blood. 他有王室血统My wife proved up on her Cherokee blood.我的妻子就她的彻罗基血统提出证明。He is a man of German birth.他是个德国血统的男子。Her family is Portuguese in origin.她的家族是葡萄牙血统She's half French and half Italian. 她有一半法国血统,一半意大利血统They were of European stock.他们是欧洲血统Effie had an impressive pedigree. Her great-grandfather was the Earl of Pemberton.埃菲血统非常高贵。她的曾祖父是彭伯顿伯爵。Indian blood quantum of the population人口中印第安人血统所占的比例All the men were of European descent.所有男子都有欧洲血统He comes from a family of Irish extraction.他出身于一个有爱尔兰血统的家庭。There's Irish blood on his mother's side.他母亲这边有爱尔兰血统Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth.萨德尔丁是伊朗血统There was Greek blood in his veins.他有希腊血统




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