例句 |
Blood is screened for HIV.对血样进行艾滋病病毒检测。The doctor will need a specimen of your blood for testing.医生需要你的血样进行化验。They collect blood samples for analysis at a national laboratory.他们采集血样供一个国家实验室进行分析。They took samples of my blood.他们取了我的血样。Blood samples from the animals are being tested for the presence of the virus.动物的血样正在接受检测,看其中是否存在这种病毒。They test blood samples for drugs.他们对血样进行药物检测。You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen.他们会要你提供血样。The doctors ran some tests on the blood samples.医生们对血样进行了一些化验。Blood samples were taken from a group of patients of the same age.血样是从一组年龄相同的病人中抽取的。Simon knew he couldn't possibly provide a blood sample without implicating himself.西蒙知道,如果提供了血样,就不可能不把自己牵涉进去。 |