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词汇 cry over
例句 She couldn't imagine why anyone would cry over a stupid movie.她无法想象为什么有人会为了一部愚蠢的电影而落泪。The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security.主要反对党已经对这起安保失误进行了猛烈抨击。The opposition was in full cry over the changes to the education bill.反对党在大吵大嚷地批评对教育法案的修改。Don't be a baby and cry over that little scratch.别那么孩子气,擦破点皮就哭鼻子。The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security.主要反对党已经对这起安全事故的错误处理进行了猛烈抨击。Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea!别为皮埃尔哭了,天下的好男人多的是!




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