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词汇 薪资
例句 The going rate for the job is $10 per hour.这项工作的现行薪资是每小时十美元。There is a decline in real wages.实际薪资有所减少。The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的薪资增长。Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living.增加的薪资被上升的生活费用抵销。The strikers are holding out for a 5% pay increase.罢工者坚持要求增加薪资百分之五。The train fare has already been taken out from his salary.火车费已从他薪资中扣除。If he wants to ask for a pay rise, good luck to him!如果他想要求提高薪资,那只能祝他有好运气了!You'll be paid by the hour.你的薪资将按时计酬。They were standing out for higher wages.他们坚持要增加薪资The government has fixed a wage floor.政府已规定了薪资的底限。The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages.码头工人将举行罢工要求增加薪资Considering the recent salary decrease, their discontentments are obvious.想想最近的薪资削减他们不满的原因就很明白了。The salesclerks and the teachers got pay rises of 6% and 9% respectively.店员和教师的薪资分别增加百分之六和百分之九。The pay is lousy.薪资太低了。He was paid seven dollars an hour.他每小时的薪资是七元。The men agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim.这些人同意把他们的薪资要求交付仲裁。The questions of training and pay lie at the heart of the staffing problems.培训和薪资问题是雇用员工的核心问题。I haven't a bean until I get paid.不发薪资我可是身无分文。The pay raise will be offset by inflation.增加的薪资会被通货膨胀所抵销。Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard.公共部门的薪资也很可能受到重创。The waiters get good tips over and above their wages.饭店服务员除薪资外,小费收入颇丰。Employees are demanding better working conditions and higher wages.雇员在要求改善工作条件,增加薪资It's scandalous that you still haven't been paid.你还没有拿到薪资这太不像话了。His pay is the double of mine.他的薪资是我的两倍。The railroad didn't pay him to spark a girl on its time.铁路付他薪资不是让他在上班时间去向女孩子求爱的。His wage is treble mine.他的薪资是我的三倍。The boss docked a third of my wages.老板扣掉我三分之一薪资I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages.我才不愿为这么低的薪资而拼命做活。The workers had to take a cut in pay.工人们只得同意削减薪资They went on strike Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase.他们于星期一举行罢工,要求增加百分之三十薪资He could not support his family on his meager salary.他靠微薄的薪资无法养家。He had the impertinence to demand a raise.他竟冒失地要求增加薪资The company has paid off some redundant employees.公司在发放薪资后解雇了一些多余的雇员。Higher pay augurs a better future.薪资高了,前程会更美好。His wages are three hundred dollars a week.他的薪资为每周三百美元。That's certainly the main reason given by men for unequal pay.那无疑是男性对不公平薪资给出的主要理由。To a certain extent, to raise wages means increasing purchasing power.在一定程度上,提高薪资意味著增加购买力。We have a right to a living wage.我们有权得到足够维持生活的薪资The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages.物价的上涨抵销了薪资的增加。We received a token wage.我们只拿一点点薪资




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