例句 |
We gathered blueberries from the bushes.我们从灌木上采摘蓝莓。Blueberry bushes need a very acid soil.蓝莓的生长需要强酸性土壤。We picked blueberries.我们采摘了蓝莓。Breakfast was a blueberry muffin and double espresso.早饭吃的是蓝莓松饼和双份浓咖啡。We had blueberry pancakes and sausage for breakfast.早餐我们吃了蓝莓煎饼和香肠。We went blueberry picking.我们去采摘蓝莓。If you want to maximize the benefits of blueberries, eat them raw.如果你想让蓝莓的好处得到最大的发挥就生吃。Blueberries are indigenous to America.蓝莓原产于美国。We covered the blueberry bushes in nylon mesh to keep the birds from the fruit.我们用尼龙网把蓝莓灌木丛给罩住了,不让鸟儿啄食。 |