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例句 Violence cast a bloody pall over the country.暴力给这个国家蒙上了血腥的阴影。Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.她的母亲被关在精神病院,这给她的童年蒙上了阴影。A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样地,母亲也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。The prisoner was led in wearing a blindfold.犯人被蒙上眼睛带进去。Going into the warm room steamed my glasses up.走进暖和的房间,我的眼镜蒙上了一层水雾。The temperature in the car was misting over the window.汽车内的温度正在使车窗蒙上一层水汽。The incident shadowed their meeting.那次事件给他们的会见蒙上了阴影。Her guilty secret was a blight on her happiness.那使她感到内疚的秘密给她的幸福蒙上了阴影。The game was overshadowed by violence.暴力事件给这次比赛蒙上了阴影。Her political future was clouded by allegations of misconduct.对她滥用职权的指控给她的政治前途蒙上了一层阴影。My glasses misted up when I came in from the cold.我从冷处走进来,眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。The report says prisoners were often kept blindfolded.报道说,囚犯常常被蒙上眼睛。They direct their blindfolded team-mates around an obstacle course.他们指引着蒙上眼睛的队友沿障碍赛跑道而行。His death left a shadow over her heart.他的死给她的心灵蒙上了一层阴影。The town lay under a thick layer/blanket of ash.这个小镇蒙上了厚厚的一层灰烬。My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news.这个坏消息给我的幸福蒙上了阴影。The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing.动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。The experiment is cloaked/shrouded/veiled in mystery.这项实验笼罩着神秘的气氛/被蒙上了神秘的色彩/盖着一层神秘的面纱。Steam clouded the bathroom mirror.浴室的镜子上蒙上了一层水蒸气。The team's victory was soured by an injury to one of their best players.队里的一员大将受伤,让球队的胜利蒙上了一层阴影。The wind smothered the houses with dust.大风刮得房屋都蒙上了尘土。The shadow of the possibility of war blackened everybody's life.爆发战争的可能性给大家的生活蒙上了一层阴影。A thick mist scummed the windshields.浓雾给挡风玻璃蒙上一层水沫。The dust was so thick, he could see only the tumbling cloud, silvered by the moon.尘土很大,他只能看到滚滚的云,被月光蒙上了一层银色。The hot coffee steamed my glasses.热咖啡使我眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。The temperature in the car was misting the window.车内的温度正在使车窗蒙上一层水汽。My glasses steamed up when I came indoors from the cold.当我从寒冷的外面走进屋时眼镜蒙上了雾气。A mother recognizes the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样,她也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。Their breath steamed the windows.他们的呼吸使窗户蒙上了水汽。Their wedding was marred by the death of Jenny's mother a week earlier.一周之前珍妮母亲的死使婚礼蒙上了一层阴影。Recent peace efforts have been overshadowed by violence.近来为争取和平所做的努力被暴力蒙上了阴影。Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby.她父亲的病给她孩子的出生蒙上了一层阴影。She was blindfolded and taken somewhere in the back of a van.她被蒙上眼睛,坐在货车后面被拉到了什么地方。His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.他的胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。Dust covered all the furniture.所有家具都蒙上了灰尘。Her glasses were fogged up with steam.她的眼镜因水蒸气而蒙上雾。My pleasure in receiving the letter was somewhat alloyed by its contents.我收到这封信时的喜悦在读过信后蒙上一层阴影。Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime.他犯下的滔天罪行给她的生活蒙上了永久的阴影。The bathroom mirror steamed up during my shower.我淋浴的时候,浴室的镜子蒙上了水汽。He was surprised they hadn't blindfolded him.他们并没有蒙上他的眼睛,这令他感到意外。




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