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词汇 蒂娜
例句 If Tina shows up, tell her we waited as long as we could.如果蒂娜来了,就告诉她我们尽量等她了。Tina bears a striking resemblance to her mother.蒂娜长得酷似她的母亲。Suffice (it) to say, Mike won't be going to Tina's birthday party after what he said about her to her boss.不用多说,迈克对蒂娜的老板那样说了她之后,他是不会去参加她的生日聚会的。Tina believed that, given time, her business would become profitable.蒂娜相信假以时日,她的生意一定会盈利。Tina's outburst was a delayed response to her husband's behaviour the week before.蒂娜的感情突然爆发,是对前一周她丈夫的行为迟来的反应。After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk.蒂娜梳洗完毕后,他们出去散了一个长步。Amanda and Tina were both beefy, sporty types.阿曼达和蒂娜两个都属于肥实的运动型。Mary took Tina in the other room for a private chat.玛莉拉了蒂娜在另一房间里私下聊天。Tina curled her slender fingers into a fist.蒂娜卷起细长的手指,握成拳头。They've asked Tina to work overtime this week, and she's agreed.他们叫蒂娜这个星期加班,她同意了。Tina really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.在今天上午的会上,蒂娜真是把我气坏了。Oh, I'm sorry, Tina, I've missed you out. What would you like to drink?哦,对不起,蒂娜,我把你漏了。你要喝点什么?Tina's decided to go to Rome for her holidays.蒂娜已决定去罗马度假。Tina's really a fantastic girl!蒂娜是个极好的姑娘! Tina was taking the train south to visit her sister.蒂娜正乘火车南下去看她的姐姐。Tina was sorry for her. She seemed so lonely.蒂娜为她感到难过,她看起来是那么孤独。Tina's been acting very strangely lately.蒂娜近来举止很古怪。Britain's Martine Le Moignan defeated her countrywoman Suzanne Horner in four games.英国的马蒂娜·勒穆瓦昂南通过四局的比赛击败了同胞苏珊娜·霍纳。Tina loves hot spicy food.蒂娜喜欢吃香辣的食品。Tina was pregnant with their first daughter.蒂娜怀了他们的第一个女儿。She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.她让蒂娜把药丸扔进马桶冲走。Gloria Reuben quit acting to join Tina Turner on stage as a backing singer and dancer.格洛丽亚·鲁本弃影登台,为蒂娜·特纳伴唱伴舞。There was no one to attend him but Tina.除了蒂娜,再无人照顾他了。Tina's worried about her work and everything.蒂娜担心她的工作以及其他事情。Tina wouldn't have read more than three lines.蒂娜肯定读不过三行。Tina's divorce has put years on her.离婚使蒂娜变得苍老了。Linda and Christina were giggling at some private joke.琳达和克里丝蒂娜讲着什么私密的笑话,在咯咯地发笑。Tina's quite intelligent, but she's not really serious about her schoolwork.蒂娜挺聪明的,但她学习不是很认真。The doctor told Tina she wouldn't be able to have children.医生告诉蒂娜,她无法生育。I'd have to send Tina on ahead with Rachael.我只有让蒂娜和雷切尔一起先行一步。Tina accidentally stabbed herself with her pencil.蒂娜不小心用铅笔戳着自己了。Tina as a child was a replica of her mother.蒂娜小的时候和她妈妈简直一模一样。Tina Turner shimmied across the stage in an incredibly sexy dress.蒂娜·特纳穿着极其性感的裙子一边跳着希米舞一边穿过舞台。Mrs. Tina Wood's maiden name was Miss Tina Weller.蒂娜‧伍德太太的婚前姓名是蒂娜‧韦勒小姐。Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us.蒂娜听说自己没有被提升很是吃惊,可是我们其他人对此并不感到意外。Tina always does a vanishing act when my mother comes to stay.我妈一到这儿来住,蒂娜就溜之大吉。Christina blushed and lowered her eyes.克里丝蒂娜脸红了,并垂下了眼睛。She makes a living out of impersonating Tina Turner in shows and films.她依靠在演出和影片中假扮蒂娜·特纳谋生。Although she's had an extremely hard life, Tina Turner is a born survivor.蒂娜·特纳虽然生活不幸,但她似乎生来就是一个生活的强者。Martine ripped up her essay and started again.蒂娜一把撕碎了她的文章,然后从头开始写。




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