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Fallen leaves, straw, loose earth all make good mulches.落叶、稻草和松土都是很好的覆盖物。We walked with dried leaves crunching underfoot.我们走在干枯的落叶上,脚下发出沙沙的声音。Eileen collected the leaves, heaping them into piles for burning.艾琳把落叶聚成一堆一堆以便焚烧。Leaves lay thick over the ground.遍地是厚厚的落叶。The train was delayed, apparently due to leaves on the line.火车晚点了,听说是由于铁路线上的落叶所致。The falling leaf was buoyed up by a current of air.这片落叶被一阵风卷起。He was shaking like a leaf.他像风中的落叶一样瑟瑟发抖。The leaves crackled under our feet.落叶踩在脚下噼啪作响。Falling leaves gave a premonition of coming winter.落叶预告冬天将临。She trudged through the mush of fallen leaves.她步履沉重地走过松软的落叶。We cleared the path of leaves.我们清扫了小路上的落叶。The trees drop their leaves in the fall, and new leaves grow again in the spring.这些树秋季落叶,春季又长出新叶。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上满是腐败的落叶。Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.用钉子把网固定在顶上,以阻挡落叶。She raked the leaves into piles.她把落叶耙成堆。Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.处理铁轨上的落叶对铁路公司而言是一个耗资巨大的工程。I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf.我像风中的落叶一样浑身发抖。Some trees lose their leaves in the autumn.有些树木秋天会落叶。A light breeze stirred the leaves lying on the path.微风吹动着小路上的落叶。We compost leaves in our backyard.我们把后院的落叶堆成肥。Leaves strewed the ground.落叶铺满地面。Some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves.有些树已经开始落叶了。Most trees shed their leaves in autumn.大多数树在秋天落叶。The trees are shedding their leaves.树木正在落叶。In winter most trees are disrobed of their leaves.冬天多数树木落叶。The leaves formed a carpet under the trees.树下有一层厚厚的落叶。Deciduous trees shed their leaves annually.落叶树木每年都落叶。The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.我家院子里那层落叶越来越厚了。Deciduous trees shed their leaves each autumn.落叶树每年秋季落叶。Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves.苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.绵羊边吃边走,从满地的黄色落叶中穿过。Something like a zephyr moved across the floor of the wood towards him, eddying the leaves.似乎有一阵微风扫过小树林的地面朝他吹来,卷起纷飞的落叶。The wind drifted the leaves across the yard.风吹落叶横扫庭院而过。A carpet of leaves covered the ground.一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。The autumnal breeze caused the heaped-up leaves to unpile.秋风将积起的落叶吹散。 |