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Younger consumers, it is said, regard their products as stodgy and unfashionable.据说,年轻一些的消费者认为他们的产品古板落伍。The political system has become thoroughly outmoded.这一政治体制已经完全落伍了。The idea seems rather old-fashioned now.这种观念现在看来似乎相当落伍了。My brother still doesn't like the idea of having a woman boss - he's stuck in the dark ages!我哥哥还是不喜欢有女上司—一他的思想太落伍了!Ed is stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to his attitudes towards women.埃德对待女性的态度还停留在落伍的时代。As we move into a new economy, trade unions will have to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.我们向新经济转型时,工会也必须改变形象以免落伍。The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.总统常常认为教会属于落伍之物。Nowadays it's considered very uncool to wear fur.如今穿毛皮衣服被认为很落伍。This is a fundamental, sensible reform of one of the great political anachronisms of the modern world.这是对现代世界政治上落伍的一个大国进行的一场根本而又明智的改革。The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining.随着技术的快速发展,她已经远远落伍了,需要接受再培训。The tourists snigger at the locals' outdated ways and dress.游客们偷偷地取笑当地人落伍的做法和衣着。As she became more successful, she changed her mumsy hairstyle for something more glamorous.随着事业上的不断成功,她一改落伍的发式,变得更有魅力了。That bank is trying to avoid becoming a dreadful anachronism in a modern society.那银行尽量设法避免在现代社会中过于落伍。The organization is criticized for its surly service and stone-age software.这家机构因其恶劣的服务态度和落伍的软件系统而受到批评。Industries unable to modernize have been left to wither.无法实现现代化的行业就落伍衰亡了。Any straggler that fell behind or got lost in the darkness was easy prey for the enemy.任何在黑暗中落伍或走失的掉队者都很容易成为敌人的攻击目标。I looked so frumpy next to these women.坐在这些女人旁边我显得极其落伍。His painting style was seen as outdated and anachronistic.他的绘画风格被认为过时落伍。This may seem a quaintly old-fashioned idea.这似乎是一个古怪而落伍的想法。They have a very old-fashioned management structure.他们的管理体系非常落伍。 |