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词汇 落下来
例句 A pear fell from the tree and splatted on the ground.一个梨从树上落下来,啪的一声落在地上。The wind blew the papers off the table.风把文件从桌上吹落下来Great rocks rolled down the mountainside.巨大的岩石顺着山坡滚落下来A tear slid down her cheek.一滴泪顺着她的脸颊滑落下来Large drops of sweat rolled down her face.大颗大颗的汗珠从她脸上滚落下来The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.落下来,撒了一地。Drips fell from the roof of the cave.水滴从岩洞顶部落下来The falling slate sliced into his arm.落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。The top shelf broke and books showered down.顶层架子断裂了,书纷纷掉落下来The entire pile shifted and slid, thumping onto the floor.那整整一摞东西动了一下后滑落下来,嘭的一声全掉到了地上。She dropped the bulky package twice.她两次将那个笨重的包裹掉落下来The hammer slipped out of my hands.锤子从我的手里滑落下来The ring fell from her hands and went tinkling across the floor.铃铛从她手中落下来,滑过地板丁零零地响。Rain drops rolled down the window.雨滴沿着窗户滚落下来The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.盘子滑落下来,啪嗒一声掉在地上。Her bottom lip quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.她的下唇颤抖着,豆大的泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来Tears began streaming down her cheeks.眼泪开始顺着她的脸颊滚落下来The toy is made so that when you hold the top square, the rest fall down one after another, making a clacking noise.这种玩具,你拿着最上面的方块,其余的就会哗啦啦地一块接一块落下来The tears began flooding down her cheeks.眼泪开始顺着她的脸颊滚落下来One of the tree's branches came down during the storm.一根树枝在暴风雨中掉落下来Spots of rain had begun to fall.稀稀拉拉的雨点开始落下来Spots of rain had begun to fall.雨点开始落下来了。A shower of dust fell from the roof.从屋顶上落下来许多灰尘。There were buckets to catch the drips from the ceiling.有水桶接住从天花板落下来的水滴。A tear rolled slowly down her cheek.一滴眼泪慢慢从她的脸颊上滚落下来His chin quivered and a tear ran down his cheek.他下巴颤抖着,一颗泪珠从面颊上滑落下来This recent scandal has really knocked the president off his pedestal.最近的丑闻确实把总统从神圣的宝座上打落下来The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的钩子断了,灯落下来砸到桌子上燃起了火。Nuts showered down from the tree.坚果雨点般地从树上落下来Enthusiasm chilled with the news.消息传来,热情顿时低落下来She bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.她咬了一口面包卷,面包屑散落下来The fish wriggled out of my grasp.那条鱼扭动著从我握著的手中滑落下来If the cabin depressurizes, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.如果机舱失压,氧气面罩就会自动落下来The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.花瓶从桌边滚落下来摔得粉碎。I called heads and it came down tails.我要了正面,可落下来却是反面朝上。Tears slid slowly down his pale cheek.眼泪慢慢顺着他苍白的面颊滑落下来A big bit of stone had fallen off the wall.墙上落下来一大块石头。A few stones came tumbling down the cliff.几块石头从悬崖上滚落下来Rocks and boulders rolled down the slopes of the crater.岩石和大石块顺着火山口外的斜坡滚落下来Great drops of rain started to fall.大滴大滴的雨开始落下来




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